If the standard of education improves ...

Administrators themselves work hard with personal interest and if done with the teachers, obviously the best result will be. And that's important too.

The state government of Gujarat recently announced a new academic year for schools. Accordingly, the new semester of schools will start from the 20th of April and will be followed by a summer holiday (May vacation) after twelve-thirteen days of study. What is the reason for such a change and for whose sake it is not so important, it is important that the standard of education will improve by doing so in Gujarat?

In the newspapers on Thursday, there is news that even the seventh-eighth-grade children are not able to read or children cannot speak fluently. The question of what kind of education this is should be understood by every citizen. Much better if changing the academic year affects the quality of education positively. It was argued that this decision was taken to co-ordinate with the session of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) schools.

Few people will know that the longest academic session - about 260 days - is currently in China infected with the Corona virus. Perhaps the shortest educational session is ours. We are holiday loving people. One month summer vacation, Gujarat is enough to talk about nine days Navratri vacation, approximately one day Diwali vacation, almost as much as Christmas vacation. As a matter of fact, on a Sunday Sunday of the year, half a day of teaching, Saturday of half a day, an average of four listening on Monday and then public holidays.

How much and what does a child study in these circumstances? It is also argued that 80 percent of teachers are more interested in coaching class-tuition classes than in schools. Possible, because in some private schools, half or five times the salary is paid as salary. In this confusion between administrators and teachers, children are exposed.

Some teachers also complain that updating the electoral rolls or holding us for election work will hamper academic work. The response to this complaint is to be answered by the Government and the Election Commission. We should restrict the education of children. In Korea, China, Japan and present-day Korea, the United States has 250 to 260 days of educational sessions, and the standard of education is strictly monitored. We see such standards in some schools, especially in private schools, of course.

The results of all five schools run by an architect in Vadodara are 100% at the state level. His administration consists of retired judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court and top educators. Some schools have these types of administrators. Administrators themselves work hard with personal interest and if done with the teachers, obviously the best result will be. And that's important too.

There have been allegations that municipality-run and government-run schools are functioning as a ram. Such complaints have a fraction of the truth. In some government schools, more than one teacher is absent or two classes in one class are being reported, including newspaper reports. Kai does not believe that just changing the academic year will improve the standard of education. Reading and writing should be considered as indispensable when the child has some understanding. The answer to why this does not happen can be asked to the concerned school principal and teachers. The cruel creation of nature is never done by all children.

The most important point is why there is no uniformity (in the sense of uniformity) in terms of education at the national level? For example, in India, there is a significant difference in the teaching days in primary and secondary schools in different states. Primary schools in Kerala teach an average of 192 days a year while in tribal states like Jharkhand, 249 days, 243 days in Punjab, 241 days in Bihar, 236 days in Haryana and 196 days in Meghalaya. However, globally, India's schools or colleges are not even among the first fifty educational institutions in the world. How is this an education policy?

According to a report, the Gujarat government is also imposing a rule that the books published by the state education board would be considered valid. It is not necessary to give an example of what is available in government textbooks. Lol lol lol pole lol. It is also our experience that government textbooks do not meet for two to three months after school starts. Why not find a permanent solution to such a problem? There are many questions that the ruling party and leaders have to answer. Starting the academic session with April instead of just June will not end such problems.
