Prepare blisters this way to wear a mask

- Buy a color mask that your child likes. If you find a mask with a print of a cartoon character they like, buy it for sure. After wearing such a mask, keep the child standing in front of the mirror. Now he will wear this mask.

The changing forms of the corona have caused an uproar across the country. At one stage, the number of senior citizens was high among those affected by the epidemic. While now the younger generation and children are also coming to its surface. It is important to wear a mask and wash your hands frequently with soap to prevent infection with the Covid-12 virus. Young people know this, but it is very difficult for children to wear masks. It is certain that if a child who has been playing all day needs to wear a mask, he will remove it. What to do in such a situation?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, children over the age of two are required to wear masks in public. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, it is imperative for children to wear masks in places where it is difficult to maintain social distance. Of course, it is very difficult to explain why they should wear masks. But they wear masks if this is put into their minds by certain kinds of efforts. Experts say how to prepare children to wear masks ....

If you say something to a child over and over again, it will come to his mind. So keep telling him that it is important to wear a mask to prevent airborne contaminants. While a few older children can be explained this through pictures or stories.

There are many types and sizes of masks available in the market today. Buy a color mask that your baby likes. If you find a mask with a print of a cartoon character they like, buy it for sure. After wearing such a mask, keep the child standing in front of the mirror. Now he will wear this mask.

Come buy a few extra masks for the cubs. When it comes to wearing a mask, ask him to choose one of them and wear it. The child will be ready to wear the mask of his choice as he will be wearing new clothes.

Children always follow their older family members. So before you ask a forgetful person to wear a mask, apply the mask yourself. It will also surely wear a mask to imitate you.

- Vaishali Thakkar
