The true death toll from the epidemic will come out, right?

- No vaccine. However, the health minister has repeatedly claimed that there is no shortage of vaccines

The second wave of Corona may or may not subside after the end of May. After a few weeks or months, like some other countries, a third wave will come to India, whether it is true or not. Which will be anything but everything is uncertain and unpredictable in terms of Coro. Corona has made many governments of the world sick. Some governments have faced it with strength and bravery while some governments like India have collapsed.

The need for leadership

New Zealand, a small country with a young prime minister, fought with foresight and commitment. On the other hand, the United States of America, with a population of 30 million, with 60 states, under the leadership of its skilled president, raised massive resources and targeted 100 million people in 100 days to be vaccinated against 100 million people. Is. We also have examples from the UK and European countries that have successfully beaten the epidemic. A common thing in each of these countries is that they have skilled leadership. They also have other qualities such as - humility, transparency, ability and compassion. Each of these qualities is missing in India. In addition to Corona we are facing other disasters.

Truth, compassion and trustworthiness

Compared to the same period last year, more people are suffering this year. The government claims the deaths were not caused by Corona. If not here's a new product just for you! As far as Gujarat is concerned, in the 21 days from March 1, 2020 to May 10, 2020, 203 death certificates were issued in this state. A total of 14 death certificates have been issued in Gujarat during this period of the current year, which is 206 more than last year. These statistics have been independently verified. Naturally, this increase is not natural. If the Gujarat government is saying that only 214 deaths were due to Kovid-12, then how did the rest die? There is no answer to this. The state government is branding the figures as false propaganda. But the figures that have come out are based on official death certificates. The fact that there were casualties.

Every eminent economist, every NGO working among the poor and every government of the world has welcomed the idea of ​​transferring money to the account of the poor. Children and parents are wandering here to get free meals which is a pathetic sight. Hunger is rampant. India was ranked 9th out of 104 in the 2020 Hunger Index. The Rs 50,000 crore Central Vista project is said to provide one-time meals to 100 crore children for 100 days. But the Modi government's stomach is not churning.

A report published in an English newspaper on May 15 showed through graphs that the number of vaccinations in the country was declining. This number has been declining on a daily basis since 2,8,16 people were vaccinated in a single day on April 9 and remained below 20 lakh for three consecutive days.

The newspaper also commented that the number of vaccinations is declining due to lack of supply, the government and vaccine manufacturers are claiming an increase in production and supply is yet to be seen from the increased capacity.

In addition, the claimed capacity and the actual production and supply figures of Covishield and Covacin do not match. The daily average of vaccinations in May was 15,8,000. People have the ability to be vaccinated but not vaccinated. However, the health minister has repeatedly claimed that there is no shortage of vaccines. Even in such a situation, the government is talking about vaccinating every adult in the country by the end of December 2021. With 200 days left to achieve this target, the number of people who need to be vaccinated daily is about 200,000 times more than two doses. Credibility is at stake.

Law and autonomy

Delhi Police arrested IVC President B.S. V. Srinivasan was asked how he got oxygen concentrators and medicines and distributed them among the needy. On the same day, police arrested six people for putting up posters. In these posters, he asked the Prime Minister why he had exported vaccines for our children elsewhere. No one can answer the question of what crime he committed in asking such a question. The law has been murdered.

On May 17, 2021, the CBI arrested two West Bengal state level ministers and an MLA. The arrest was made on the basis of a chargesheet prepared in connection with a sting operation carried out in 2013 to entrap government employees. Although he was granted bail on the same day, the West Bengal High Court canceled his bail on the same night. Let the law do its work, but here the victim is taken to autonomy. Even if a Union Minister is arrested by a state government for committing a crime in his state, I will assume that the law will do its job, but even then the victim will be taken for autonomy. The current situation is to fight the epidemic and count the casualties.
