Hollywood star Henry Cavill has appealed to social media users not to spread rumors about his girlfriend and television executive Natalie Viscuso, saying people should not try to harm those he cares about the most. The 6-year-old actor also shared a selfie with Natalie on social media. With the selfie he addressed his fans and followers by writing a long post appealing to them not to make negative guesses about his personal and professional life.
Without going into further details he wrote that all I could say to those who were expressing contempt and displeasure about my personal life was to stop doing so.
I know that slander and gossip are fun, but it hurts the people I love.
Cavill advised people to think about social well-being and move forward with positive thoughts. He further wrote that I am in love and this is my life. I will be grateful to you if you are happy with me but try to improve yourself if you are not happy.
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