- Regular cleansing, toning and moisturizer for the skin.
Toning the skin after cleansing. Take a high quality toner and apply a few drops on a cotton ball or cotton pad.
Then apply moisturizer on the face. Apply oily moisturizer if the skin is rough and apply moisturizer with water if the skin is oily.
Using aromatic facial oil as a moisturizer provides moisture to the skin as well as nourishes the skin. Apply moisturizer on slightly damp skin to retain moisture on the skin.
Applying night cream on the face at night so that the skin gets adequate nutrition and the skin regenerates.
Apply lip balm daily on the lips. So that the lips remain soft.
Apply sun-protection cream when going out in the sun.
In addition to the face, take care of the hands and feet. Wash hands and feet with warm water before going to bed at night and apply moisturizer.
If the skin of the heel is torn, apply paraffin wax on it before going to bed.
Use a mild moisturizer on oily and sensitive skin and an intense moisturizer on rough skin.
Baby oil keeps skin soft.
Mix lemon and rose water in glycerin and apply on face, neck and hands and feet. This is a natural moisturizer.
Bathing with excessively hot water is not beneficial for the skin. Bathing in this way reduces the natural moisture in the skin. So only warm water for bathing has proved to be beneficial.
Removing dead skin causes acne on the face. This action is called exfoliator. And barley flour has proved to be an excellent scrub for this.
Massage herbal oil on hands once a week.
Apply moisturizer on hands as often as you wash your hands. Applying cream also proves to be beneficial.
Apply a mixture of Wheat Germ Oil and Essential Essential Oil to soften the hands.
Wash feet thoroughly with soap and dry with a towel. Separate the water by straining the spinach. Dipping the feet in this water for a while will make the feet beautiful. Use foot scraper or pumice stone to remove dead skin. After coming out, wash the feet thoroughly, dry them, mix glycerin and Vaseline in equal quantity and apply it on the heel.
The most obstructive to the beauty of the skin is unwanted hair. However this hair is naturally given to protect the skin. But it suppresses the beauty of the skin. This hair removal can be done permanently by waxing, shaving, hair removal creams, as well as special methods.
- Dijita
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