- Discovery-Dr. Vihari shadow
- The man he dressed in was able to avoid 100% of the mosquito bites when he was placed in a cage of 200 live mosquitoes.
The mosquito is one of the leading enemies in the newborn. Since ancient times, millions of people have been killed by these improvised explosive devices (IEDs). It transmits endangering and life-threatening diseases to the world. Mosquitoes spread many parasitic and viral diseases. It has diseases like malaria, chickenpox, dengue, elephantiasis, West Nile fever etc. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated in many tropical and subtropical countries.
Different types of parasites and viruses that enter the stomach of mosquitoes enter thousands of people when they bite or suck their blood. The disease that infects man is caused by this parasite or virus. Mosquitoes fill their stomachs and fly away, infecting us. But now we don't have to think about mosquitoes or diseases caused by mosquito bites. We have to think of ways to keep mosquitoes away from us or to prevent mosquitoes from biting us.
Various mosquito repellents have been discovered to keep mosquitoes away from us. Once upon a time, it was customary to smoke neem leaves in homes in the evening. Still it continues in many places. But now a variety of chemical and biological reagents are being used extensively and many companies are making huge profits. Instead of simple mosquito nets, chemically treated mosquito nets are being used.
United Nations agencies are working for that.
We are surprised to learn that there are not only two but four species of mosquitoes. Their life cycle goes through four stages. In the first stage it is produced in the form of an egg. Mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant and stagnant water. The larva comes out of the egg. It is converted into pupa (cell). Adult mosquitoes come out of it. Once its wings are dry, it is ready to fly. The good news is that male mosquitoes do not bite. It fills its stomach with sweets or other vegetable juices. Females of certain species of mosquitoes require blood feeding to lay eggs.
Chemical methods are one of the most widely used methods to get rid of mosquitoes. Organochlorine i.e. DDT, Carbo Max which is known as Carboril, Pyrethroids etc. are used. Since then many different types of mosquito repellents have come on the market. Which are used differently. Today, even the inner color is prepared from pesticides. It's called Vernacide. Applying this pesticide paint on the wall slowly releases the insect component. Its development has added a new result to the technology of wall paints. This color can also be applied to wood and metal surfaces. Such color of the wall keeps away mosquitoes, cockroaches and other insects.
Alternative methods of biological control have also been used in the last few decades. Biological agents are used to control the population of mosquito larvae in different breeding grounds. These biological agents include natural predators, parasites and pathogens. Some of the most effective biomarkers are fish. These include Gambusia, Guppies, Cyprinids, Tibapia, etc. The larvae in that water go healthy. Bacterial-based biocides are also used.
Thus, despite decades of efforts for chemical and biological control, we have not been able to fully control this tiny pest. A new generation of mosquitoes is born with resistance to most controllers. For this reason, there is constant research to find a unique and effective method.
Now you can also find mosquito repellent clothing. Permethrin, an insecticide, is used to make these garments. This pesticide, called permethrin, is allowed to be used by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). And this is the only disinfectant used to make this type of garment.
But more recently, in June 2021, researchers at North Carolina State University developed a mosquito-repellent-free mosquito repellent. No disinfectant was used to make this garment. In particular, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes bite.
Which causes diseases like Zika, Dengue and Yellow Fever. According to a research presented by the researchers of this university, when the person wearing the clothes made by them was placed in the cage of about 200 live mosquitoes, they were able to avoid this mosquito bite 100%. He used a computational model to design the fabrics used to make such garments.
Measured the antenna and mouth dimensions of Aedes aegypti and gained an understanding of the mechanics of how it stings and estimated from this model what fabric should be used to make this garment based on the size of its mouth thickness and porous size.
The researchers said the wear could be effective not only against Aedes aegypti but also against other species of mosquitoes that show similarities in stinging behavior. The fabrics they made by studying different types of fabrics of different thicknesses and different porous sizes became one hundred percent sting resistant. They have also studied how the fabric made from these fabrics adapts to heat and humid environments.
Usually the clothes we wear are not mosquito resistant. But these researchers discovered how commonly worn clothing can be made resistant to mosquito bites. A company called Vector Textile from the USA has licensed the relevant patent rights and intends to manufacture clothing for commercial sale in the United States.
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