Inventor of celluloid plastics: John Weasley Hyatt

- Scientists of the world

Plastics are an important contributor to the industry in the world. In addition to everyday use, plastics are widely used in the manufacture of equipment used in industries. Plastic has replaced wood and metal. Items ranging from furniture to toys are made from a variety of plastics. Celluloid plastics are hard and durable. John Weasley Hyatt discovered that it is used to make furniture, sports equipment and many other household items. Hyatt invented about 400 ball bearings, water filters, Hyatt filters, and more.

Jodran Weasley was born on November 8, 1918 in Starkey, New York. He was not a Zazu student. At the age of 18, he joined a toy company in Illinois. The main work in this company was to make chess boards and pawns. These things were made of ivory. Hyatt invented cellulose with the idea of ​​making a cheaper and harder material instead of ivory.

By researching soft plastics invented by Alexander Perkins of England, he discovered hard celluloids that melt with heat and harden after giving a proper mold. Celluloid plastic made it easy to make sports balls as well as chess pieces.

In the year 18 AD, he named his product celluloid which is still prevalent today.

After the discovery of celluloid he set up a company for its production. From celluloid came combs, musical and sports equipment, and all things made of ivory.

Hyatt was awarded the Perkin Medal in 1917 for his discovery. He died on May 10, 180 AD.
