Enlightenment is found when there is fire! .

- Say you need this teaching today or anytime later?

- 'Come when you can. The sermon is ready. '

An aspirant came to Bhagavan Buddha. Says: 'God, give a sermon.'

God says: 'Will it be implemented now or later ...?'

He says: 'There is a lot of work today. Today I have just come to ask (to inquire). '

God says: 'Well then, come when you can execute. The sermon is ready. '

Ichchhuk says: 'If God is ready, just keep giving! I will use it when I need it, I will use my money as well. '

God said: 'Suppose you are in a house. Is a wooden house. Suddenly it caught fire. There is no chance of survival. People are shouting from outside, come out, come out, hurry up, cheer up ... '

The Lord stopped talking, ignited the fire and said: 'Curious, it should be said, will you come out immediately or later, the next day?'

Devotees are probably headed by God. Half past two

Say it

Pella then asked: 'But God, where is the fire now? Just preach. '

Lord Buddha preached:

'Wait till the fire starts, just!'

That devotee got the sermon. There was the teaching of Lord Buddha, then

What? '

Whenever he meets her he says: 'God, there is no fire yet.' Which means it's about to be the most delusional time of the year, as well.

Visited again a few years later. The questioner says: 'God, there is no fire.'

From time to time, year after year, he kept seeing God. He kept saying: 'God, there is no fire, no fire, no fire.'

In the meantime, several of the dead were burned at the stake. The fire kept burning. He did not see any fire.

One day he had to die on his own. Understand the dead!

The fire of all those cheetahs began to appear to him, to cling to him, to wrap itself around him. In the blazing flames it began to burn. He started shouting loudly: 'God! Fire, see or see, fire, God! Your teaching, your teaching, your command ... '

The words of God came out through the flames of fire, through sparks and crackles: 'Wait if devotee, willing, wait if ...'

- Harish Nayak
