There is no doubt that Akshay Kumar is the busiest actor in Bollywood right now. He now has a variety of films, one after the other. With this, no film makers want to let any schedule given by Akshay Kumar fail and are ready to complete their films with utmost commitment.
There are some Akshay Kumar films that need to be shot abroad, but due to Kovid-13 and its restrictions, foreign locations are being set up in India.
Glasgow was set in New Delhi for the film 'Belbottom', London for the film 'Mission Cinderella' (temporary name) in Manali and now Sri Lanka for the film 'Ramsetu' in the Film City of Mumbai. Thus, foreign locales are now being set up in India for Akshay Kumar.
The team of 'Ramsetu' was preparing to go to Sri Lanka for shooting, but it was not possible as it was not possible due to quarantine and other restrictions of Kovid-12.
The local administration flatly refused to give any permission for the shooting. Therefore, Sri Lanka is being set up in Mumbai's Film City, so that Akshay Kumar can shoot here. Akshay Kumar is currently shooting in Ooty with actress Jacqueline and Nusrat Bharucha, 'informed sources.
The film 'Ramsetu' was announced in Diwali last year, in which Akshay Kumar plays the role of an archaeologist and his mission is to unravel the mystery of Ramsetu Bridge. The film is being directed by Abhishek Sharma and stars legend and historian Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi is giving special guidance.
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