Indian Vedic literature is written in Samadhi language

He was the author of scriptures like Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita. The literature he wrote is composed in Samadhi language. So trying to understand its essence is also sadhana.

The story of sage Kashyap is a beautiful example of this.

Sage Kashyap was absorbed in chanting, penance and meditation. He had two wives named Diti and Aditi. Diti is a symbol of discrimination, ghost, while Aditi is a symbol of unique intelligence.

The dual intellect is the distinction between seeing the other in the creation, the object, the person, the atmosphere, or the situation. Men with such instincts consider themselves the best and possessive possessions. While for individuals with Advaita instincts, this gross creation seems to be the very essence of God the Father. There is nothing here but God. Individuals with such Advaita intellect enjoy the world but consider the right of ownership or possession right as secondary. They care about the well-being of others. Concerned about the preservation of nature.

Kashyap sage explains to Diti that he came to seek worldly happiness in the evening. O Goddess! At such times the world is considered unfit to enjoy happiness. So stop for two hours. I will surely satisfy your work happiness at night.

Diti Kashyap, who has become lustful by justice, pulls the sage's underwear. The sage curses his wife who stands up ashamed after enjoying sexual pleasure. Monsters will be born on your lap. In time, Diti gives birth to two children named Hiranyakshi and Hiranyakashipu. When these two children are born, they walk around the whole world with a mace in their hands. Greedy for instinct. Benefits are of two types (1) The greed to accumulate is Hiranyakashyap and (2) The greed to enjoy is the Hiranyakashyap that I alone enjoy the wealth of this creation.

Eternal happiness can be realized by avoiding both these instincts. Let's try to take such a lesson from this anecdote.

- Nathalal Brahmakshatriya
