Put it on the tongue instead of rubbing it in the eye!

- Mist became Moti- Kumarapala Desai

In one state, passionate physicians created antimony that would give a new vision to the visually impaired. The prince of that kingdom sent a pinch of antimony to the neighboring king. He also said in the letter that the vision of both eyes will be restored to the eye which will be hit by this antimony.

The king was greatly disturbed when he received the antimony. In his kingdom there were blind people without crosses, the amount of antimony was such that only two eyes could be illuminated. In it the king remembered his old minister. This very intelligent minister retired from politics due to blindness. The state would benefit a lot if it was re-activated, so the king called him and handed him a box of antimony and said,

"If you put this antimony in your eyes, the brightness of your eyes will come back. Be careful that there is enough antimony in both eyes. "

The old minister blinked in one eye. He could see everything around him, but instead of putting the rest of the antimony in his other eye, he put it on his tongue and began to taste it. Surprised to see this, the king asked, "Ouch! What are you doing Now you will have light in only one eye and people will call you Kana and make fun of you. Why did you do that? "

The old minister replied, "Don't worry about it. I will not stay. I have tasted antimony and found out that it is made from various herbs, so now I will make antimony and give light to thousands of blind people.

The king was pleased to see the sharp intellect of the minister. He said, "It is our good fortune that we have got a minister like you. If there was such a minister in every state, no one would be sad. "
