- Vocabulary-Paresh diameter
God has given two works to all the senses by doing the same work but also the tongue. Speaking and discerning
I have to pour out the amighat of joy anew, a new hope, a new zeal to burst forth anew.
- Yamini diameter
New year, new beginning. What new year No sir, we have not forgotten that we will not recount. Everything old is not just to be erased, it is to be erased. Just bring a blank slate. Today's word is 'Tabula Rasa'. Gujarati lexicon does not have this word. So we will interpret it, interpret it. It simply means: a blank slate. The word is Latin. We used a notepad to write. Now comes the electronic tablet. Can be typed. Can be written. Science has come a long way! But in ancient Rome there were notepads made of wax. Written with a stylus on a waxy paper-like surface. Then when not needed? Simple .. heating it means melting the wax and erasing everything written in it. Then when it cools down, its surface should be leveled. So it can be rewritten. 'Tabula' means a notebook made of wax with a sharp pen. Tablet in modern language. But the word 'rasa' is very important. 'Rasa' means that everything has been erased. It is also called Blank Slate in English. Carrying a plate, squeezing a spoil with a pen and then spitting .. No, no wet self-erasing. What is written on the paper with a pencil can be erased with a rubber but if you write with an ink pen, the paper has to be torn. It cannot be reused. When the new year starts, we are the same. If there is anything written or stained on our lives, we should be able to erase it. Thus, if the living paper is torn, it will not be destroyed. If the mind is a computer, let's format it. If there is an old virus, it will also be erased. Now new again, one by one. New Year and New Cory Ray Pati
In seventeenth-century England there was a philosopher named John Locke, who introduced our present-day word tabula rasa. They believed that when a baby is born, its brain is empty. Then from what he knows, sees, learns, feels, he becomes good or nurse, clever or dull, loving or caring. Later, Sigmund Freud, a famous nineteenth-century Austrian neurologist and pioneer of psycho-analysis theory, also believed in tabula rasa. They believe that genetic influence on human personality is minimal. How he grows up depends largely on his upbringing. That is to say, there is no such thing as a father, there is no such thing as a father, there is no such thing as a pot, there is no such thing as a pot. The mind is the tabula rasa. My life was empty, but it remained empty - it's not like that. That's what happens when you grow up. Father Shah Rukh is also son Aryan .. because what Aryan wrote on his blank board happened. Prescribed a drug and became a drug addict.
Diwali is over, a lot of rubbish has been removed from the house. Removed from the mind. Prejudice, dislike, hatred were also erased. I am now re-establishing the man I meet. I am installing a new head of living. Trying is always to be happy. Nowhere to quarrel. If we don't do anything but just listen to Sahu in peace, then the work is said to be like the pain of a stranger. We are in the process of becoming Vaishnavism in the next year! We have forgotten the words 'Nadavu' or 'Kandavu'. We are not like that. We remain as we are. Not to be outdone in the new year. Not real and not even virtual. Body and mind formatting. The old data is gone. But let's face it - if that doesn't happen, it's still a way to get more involved. And that is the formatting of the tongue. Jyotindra Dave, one of our stupid comedians, whose name I am always blessed to write, wrote that God has given two works to all the other senses by asking them to do the same thing. Speaking and discerning. But think about it. The root of all trouble is the tongue. We spoiled a lot by speaking and spoiled Khaipi, didn't we? Let's format the tongue. In Latin, the tongue is called lingua. If you want to do the tabula rasa of life, first of all do 'lingava rasa'. Clear to speak and clean to eat. It's just that so much work is done in the new year.
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'My theory of living is that nothing has to be learned, someone has learned quickly and someone has to take a hit-there is no such thing. Everything is a tabula rasa. Everyone has to find out for themselves. ' - American investigative journalist and political writer Seymour Hersh
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