Economic problems will come to an end, make this a simple and accurate solution on Diwali night

New Delhi, 27 October 2019, Sunday

The holy festival of Diwali has arrived. Do you know why Diwali night is considered so important? Diwali is called the night of Kartik mass festival. It is also called the night of the nobleman. All kinds of special experiments are successful this night. In particular, every experiment to solve a money related problem is successful. So let us tell you about simple and accurate ways to overcome various economic problems.

1. How to use Diwali night?

Do this experiment between 11 hours and 1 pm at midnight.

Wear red or yellow.

Light a large griddle lamp in a bowl

Head east and start worshiping

Chanting Lakshmi mantra using crystal or rudraksha floors.

2. Remedy for wealth gains

Do this experiment if you work hard but the money doesn't last.

Worship Lakshmi in the middle of Diwali at midnight

Offer a rose perfume to the goddess

If the rose flower is excellent then the best.

Then chant the 11 nests of "1 Sri Sri Nama:"

Pray for wealth. The wish will be fulfilled.

3. If you are worried about the cost, do this remedy.

Sit in front of Mother Lakshmi at midnight.

Take two main rudraksas, a white cloth and a silver coin.

Offer these things to the Goddess

Then head east and chant the 11 beads of the mantra "1 Hr Namam:"

Rudraksha and silver coin in white cloth and keep in vault.

This experiment will also help you save money and save money.

4. If the economic situation is climbing, falling

Offer pink flowers and white sweets to Mother Lakshmi on Diwali night

Read Sri Sukta 16 times

Pray that your life's ups and downs will stop

Will eliminate the fluctuations of money from your life

5. Remedies for economic scarcity

Make rudraksha and crystal beads

It has 54 rudraks and 54 seeds of crystal.

Offer this wreath to Mother Lakshmi on Diwali night

Then chant the 11 floors of the mantra below.

"ॐ શ્રી ક્ ત ત ત ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ ભુ"

Then wear this nest in the neck. Your poverty will be destroyed

Never sleep on wearing these beads. At night, remove it and put it in the temple.

6. What can I do to get rid of debt?

Get a new plate on Diwali night.

Write the mantra below Ashtagandha in it

"શ્રી શ્રી શ્રી ક્ મી ક્ ક્ આગ ચ્છ ક્ ક્ ક્ આગ ચ્છ આગ ચ્છ ચ્છ ચ્છ

After this chant the 11 floors of this mantra.

Place the plate on the place of worship

Have a lamp in this plate every evening.
