Auspicious coincidence will be created this year on Capricorn's revolution.

New Delhi, 6 January 2020, Monday

This time on Capricorn revolution, the sun will transform the zodiac in decorative yoga. Due to this, the importance of Capricorn revolution this year increases in terms of chanting, penance and worship. Being a Capricorn revolution in the constellation and ornamental yoga of the Eastern Falgu, its importance is increased. According to experts, donations, activities and rituals performed in this yoga will prove to be excellent. This year's transition is coming out on January 15.

Ganges bath for attaining salvation:

Bhishma grandfather achieved salvation on this date. This day marks the end of the pudding. This day is considered as a day of happiness and prosperity. Ganga bathing on Capricorn is also important. It is believed that on this day the Ganga baths receive salvation.

Special coincidence

According to astrology experts, the Sun will enter Capricorn at 07.52am on January 15 and Wednesday morning. That is why on the morning of January 15, from 07:52 hours all day will be a full day.

On the 15th of January and Wednesday, the festival of Makarsankranti will be celebrated in the constellation and ornamental yoga of Phalguru. The sun's landing increases the efficiency of humans. In such a case, when the Sun God is in Capricorn, donating one of Saturn's favorite things also makes the Sun God happy. Donating sesame on the day of Makar Sankranti brings a special blessing to the family on Saturday.

Remedies to Soothe the Sun

Sunday is considered to be the best day to please the sun. On Sunday, giving cows wheat and molasses or donating to a Brahmin gives virtue. It is beneficial to soak up the flowers at night and mulch to soothe the sun and remove the guilt. Apart from this, the sun should never be offered to the sunshine;
