In this country, crime is worshiped, alcohol is offered

New Delhi, November 21, 2019, Thursday

In our society, criminals are viewed with hate. The main reason for this is the antisocial acts of that person. Hardly anyone can forget his work. Children are also advised to abstain from crime. Because people worry that the kids can't do anything wrong. Rarely does anyone want to be associated with criminals in society. People do not like to come to their home even.

But there is also a country in the world where criminals are worshiped. People here worship the transgressors like God. This may sound strange, but it is a practice in the Latin American country of Venezuela. The people of Venezuela worship the idol of these dead criminals. These criminals are given the names of the deities called Santos Mailandros in Spanish. Here idols of defamation and perpetrators are kept in one place and people come from far and wide to see them.

The image of the perpetrators in Venezuela is similar to that of Robinhood. These criminals robbed the rich and handed over to the poor. The local residents worship these criminals just because they did not kill anyone. He just robbed the rich and was helping the poor. Locals believe that Malandro has done a good job for which he should be rewarded and will be offended if he is not worshiped.

Here, if a person has a problem with his life, he prays to Mailandro. People believe that she is happy and blessed and that their work improves. When people believe that they are finished, they give Santos Malandro a drink.
