What is a ventilator and can it be saved from a coronary virus patient?

New Delhi, 2 April 2020, Thursday

Experts are constantly advising on the use of masks and sanitizers to protect against the corona virus. The most commonly discussed term with this is ventilator. Ever since the number of patients has started to increase in the country, work has been started to increase the production of ventilators.

Serious patients with coronary virus are kept on a ventilator. If the question is urgently what is a ventilator and it can save a patient's life ... then let's know today the answer to both these questions.

A ventilator is a life support system. It is the miracle of medical science that can stop a person from dying. Ventilators can prove beneficial to prevent corona virus. The corona virus affects the lungs. Causing the patient to have trouble breathing. But the ventilator manages the breathing process. During this time the doctor finds time to relieve and treat the infection.

In which illness does ventilator work?

Often the patient's condition becomes fragile. His heart, brain, kidney, liver stopped working. The patient is kept alive with the help of a life support system. This allows the patient to breathe artificially. This gives doctors time to treat.

The ventilator in the corona

According to the World Health Organization, the fluid, which causes the virus, goes into the lungs and causes breathing problems. The ventilator raises the level of oxygen in the lungs, pushing the body's oxygen level down. The ventilator is also a humidifier that maintains air and moisture throughout the body.

How does a ventilator work?

In this process a thin pipe called a catheter is used. A long balloon is attached to it. Both of these are used to provide oxygen to the patient. So that the patient's organs keep working. Lung failure is the leading cause of coronary mortality. The lungs fail to fill up with air and water, and oxygen cannot reach the body. In this case ventilators are needed. A ventilator is needed to remove the carbon dioxide from the body and deliver oxygen.

As the transition increases, the government has asked to increase the production of ventilators. However, ventilators will not be needed if the corona virus chain is broken. Bharat Electronics Limited has announced plans to build 30,000 ventilators in the next two months.
