Bhakti Yoga of Lord Krishna

At that time Udvavaji questioned Lord Krishna, 'O Lord! The Brahmanical Mahatmas suggest many means of self-sufficiency. What do you have to say for that? Are all these tools important? Or which of these tools is best? Once upon a time you asked God to play with unspoken silent devotion. He also said, "The man who worships in my unique way, his mind moves away from the world and settles in me."

Lord Krishna replied, 'O dear Uddhav! My voice was once known as Vedana, it became extinct due to the cataclysm that followed. But again when the creation was re-created I preached to Brahmaji for it. This is a detailed description of my Bhagavat Dharma. In it, I have explained in detail how to put the mind in me with virtue and devotion. Brahmaji taught his eldest son Swayambhu Manu and the glory of this Bhagavata Dharma to the seven Prajapati Maharishis. Then the children of these Maharishis learned this religion and put it into practice.

However, according to the nature of human beings, their nature, their desires, Sattvaguna, Rajoguna and Tamoguna, they take different meanings of Vedavani. O best of men! Everyone's intellect has become attached to my Maya (Lord Krishna). That is why these people show not one but many means of attaining God and salvation according to their own interests and according to their own karmic rites.

Where else can one find the happiness that my devotee gets in me from mortal objects? Which has become absolute, apathetic in every way. I am blissfully blissful in the soul of my beloved unique devotee who has no attachment to his karma or its fruit and who has completely surrendered his conscience. How can the greedy animals get the bliss that the devotee experiences from this? One who does not desire in this world or in the hereafter any kind of object or dream of happiness, who never has the habit of hoarding material objects. Which has subdued the mind with ten external senses, including the five transcendental senses.

A nature that is calm and contemplative, which no one expects, which experiences happiness at all times, which is detached from the worries of the world, immersed in my own contemplation, yet keeping away from raga-dwesha and keeping the same gaze towards the survey. I think of a staunch person who behaves the same way, that the dust of his feet falls on me and I become pure.

As gold is heated in fire, its impurities are removed and it shines in its original pure form. In the same way, through my devotional yoga, the soul is freed from karma lusts and merges in me, because I am the original real form of it.

- Paresh Antani
