- Mother's milk is the lifeblood of the human race
- Hotline-Bhalchandra Jani
- Analyzing the properties of hormones found in mother's milk, it has been found that healthy development of epithelial veins of the baby's intestines is possible only with this milk.
Ms. Dart has done a great favor to all mammals and that is the gland that produces milk in the mother's body. The external appearance of which we call breast or in English breast. God has made the same arrangement in the human race as the calves of all mammals like cows, buffaloes, goats grow up by following their mother. Mother's milk is the lifeblood of mankind.
When baby food or milk powder was not invented six or seven decades ago, there was no alternative to breastfeeding for a newborn baby. The mother of a newborn baby could not even think of giving the baby anything other than her own milk. But as we progressed, so did the human condition.
Breastfeeding Week (already until the seventh of August) is celebrated today to explain to mothers the importance of what is considered the best baby food. Doctors and pediatricians from all over the world have repeatedly emphasized that 'breast milk, the best milk'. Every newborn has every right to breast milk for at least four months. However, for the first time, scientists have developed artificial milk similar to breast milk in the laboratory.
A pair of American women scientists have succeeded in preparing breast milk in a laboratory for the first time in the world. This milk is named Biomilk. The scientists who made this milk said that they have tested the nutritional value of this milk. Just like real milk, it is rich in hundreds of proteins, fatty acids, and other nutrients.
Breastfeeding is the best food for a newborn baby. Think about how nature has created the best. As soon as a newborn baby comes to earth, the mother's milk in the form of food is ready! Doctors say that breastfeeding in the early days after birth contains a yellow substance called colostrum. Just like in other animals the initial milk is thick and made from it, the mother's milk is also yellow and viscous for the first two-three days. Then the color of milk changes.
Thus babies have more immunity and less allergies than breastfed from the beginning. Such children are less prone to skin and digestive diseases. Breastfeeding also strengthens the psychological relationship with the children's mother.
Are mothers fed up with breastfeeding or are they more worried about their figure? These two questions cannot be answered. Because breast feeding is more cumbersome than bottle feeding. The bottle or suction has to be boiled, the milk has to be heated and cooled, the baby has to be salivated, sleep is disturbed all night and the baby cries when he is hungry and cries and sleep is disturbed, this is not a headache. Sleep means work. The baby drinks milk on its own!
Breastfeeding loosens a woman's breasts. The notion that it becomes awkward is also false. In fact, breastfeeding maintains the natural shape of the mother's body. The habit of breastfeeding also helps the stomach or uterus. That means breastfeeding as long as possible.
It is important for all young women to understand that breastfeeding does not spoil the condition. As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, her breasts change automatically. Also, during pregnancy, before or after delivery, the shape of the breasts depends on the health of the woman. If a woman is in good health, if she exercises properly, her breast beauty is maintained even at the age of 6 years.
In adolescence, the breasts are protruding and their areola (round skin of the nipple) is pink. The breast contains mammary glands and fat that are attached to the breast by a type of tissue. The areola darkens when a woman becomes pregnant. At the same time, as the fetus develops, the size of the breasts increases due to the growth of mammary glands. As the size and weight increase, the breasts sag down to the front. This causes the tissues that connect to the breast to stretch.
The muscles relax and the breasts deteriorate. So whether a woman breastfeeds her baby after delivery or not, breast beauty does not deteriorate much. So it is wrong for a mother to deprive her newborn baby of milk just for fear of spoiling the breast. By making such a mistake, Janeta himself kills the child with malnutrition with his own hands.
It may be that if a young woman wants to develop her career in the field of modeling and acting, she will be worried about the deterioration of her breasts. Such concerns are also justified. But the alternative is not to deprive the baby of milk. In fact, such women should try plastic surgery to restore their deformed, sagging breasts after childbirth. Now breast augmentation surgery can be done easily. As the breast skin is larger than it needs to be and elastic, the shape of the breast can be easily changed by surgery.
Some young women regain breast beauty by doing yogas and certain types of exercises after childbirth. That is to say, one should never make the serious mistake of giving less milk or depriving the baby of milk so that it does not spoil the appearance and figure only.
Just to maintain your beauty, do not leave the nectar without food, which seriously harms the child's overall health. Be sure to breastfeed your baby for the first six months.
Doctors say that a baby should be exclusively breastfed for the first four months. Water should not be given during this period. It is also more appropriate to breastfeed the baby only when he is hungry and crying, rather than at regular intervals.
Home-made food can be started from the fifth month onwards. But breastfeeding should be continued with it. Normal feeding can be started after the ninth month. However, it is better to breastfeed for two years. It is important to breastfeed a small baby. Only through the mutual cooperation of mother and child can the health of mother and child be maintained.
Apart from this when and in what environment should the baby be breastfed? It is also important for every mother to know. The mother's behavior while breastfeeding should be affectionate. The mother's behavior has a direct effect on the child's mind. Because the mind of a young child is very pure and receptive. It is not a good habit for some mothers to scare the baby. Psychologists believe that this type of behavior interferes with a child's mental development.
In the same way, mothers who breastfeed in a state of anxiety have the opposite effect on the infant. That's why in a very peaceful environment, calm I should breastfeed the baby. The child approves of every action of the mother. That is why a child will be raised in such an environment. That is how it will develop physically, mentally and emotionally.
Our sages, saints, mahatmas have been explaining the importance of breast milk for centuries. Doctors in the West are still studying Mother Milk and understanding its importance. He has also acknowledged this miracle of nature.
Children who do not breastfeed or are deprived of breastfeeding are more likely to have feelings of guilt and physical deformity. That is also what scientists have discovered.
British biochemist Dr. According to Michael Kling Bergen, breastfeeding promotes healthy physical and mental development of the baby. Such children have increased safety and the ability to fight disease. Mother's milk itself produces antibodies in the blood inside the baby's body. As the percentage of enzymes in this milk is balanced, it helps the baby to digest fat.
Analyzing the properties of hormones found in mother's milk, it has been found that healthy development of the epithelial veins of the baby's intestines is possible only with this milk. In addition, breast milk is resistant to gastrointestinal infections, which can lead to peptic ulcers in adulthood.
The bottom line is that the best food on earth for a newborn baby is its mother's milk and every child has an inalienable right to receive this milk. At the same time, it can be emphasized that even if scientists artificially prepare milk similar to breast milk, such milk can never replace mother's milk.
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