- Management-Dhawal Mehta
- One of the indirect benefits of the Kovid epidemic is the emergence of a spirit of cooperation between the industries, the government and the industrial associations.
Kovid struck
Kovid suddenly struck the world. Hurricanes, earthquakes, economic catastrophes will also prove to be detrimental as the Kovid virus is part of the biochemical system and its chemical change called mutation is not seen in hurricanes, earthquakes or economic recessions. Drought also claimed millions and millions of human lives, but mutations in the virus through biological processes wreak havoc on mankind.
This issue also applies to the management sector. Informal systems are formed spontaneously in every major system. People in the office gossip about many things together. Makes fun of bosses, discusses company flaws, celebrates each other's birthdays during office hours or after leaving office. This type of formal organization can help or interrupt the work of the company. Informal leaders are also emerging from these informal groups without any election or planning and they are also lightly presenting the problems of the employees to the management. Informal circles will be found in every system of the world and it has no written norms. The Kovid virus is also such a spontaneous complex system - so much so that the virus is a form of matter between living and non-living things. The virus begins its operation only when it enters any living cell.
Remedy against complex system
This has to do with the fact that the management has to come up with a system to fight the virus. At present, the management has taken several steps to reduce the impact of Kovid on the employees so that they do not feel infected. Medical treatment is also free. The aggrieved employee has been given leave on current pay. Even if the family members of the employees get upset, they have been treated at the company's expense and arrangements have been made for that. Needless to say, most companies have allowed employees to work from home and have also facilitated it. The advantage of working for large, reputable companies is that these companies have allocated measurable health and welfare funds for employees while small businesses have no hesitation in laying off employees. Therefore, it is often thought that 'Small is beautiful' but not 'Big is beautiful'. Corona viruses are millions of times more microscopic than bacteria, but it cannot be said that small is beautiful. That is to say, 'Small is ugly'.
Cooperation grew
One of the indirect benefits of the Kovid epidemic is that a spirit of cooperation has developed between the industries, the government and the industrial associations. The most important part of this has been played by researchers and academics. These teaching disciplines are themselves large-scale researches. Almost all the attention of the world has gone to the pharmaceutical sector and the savior of the world has now become the pharmaceutical companies. The bureaucracy in India is known for its 'red tape' but the Indian government has at least shown red tape in getting vaccinated. Of course, the inefficiency of the government bureaucracy in the distribution of oxygen gas and vaccines has been exposed. One of the major issues that has become clear is that the central or state governments of India are 'logical' in terms of 'logistics'. With the end of the Corona Crisis, our government bureaucracy will be engrossed in its own policy rules and procedures.
Logistics does not mean logic but it means 'Science of Movement of Man and Materials'. It also includes storage and distribution.
Governments have been reluctant to distribute oxygen gas and anticoagulant vaccines and other life-saving drugs. Thousands of patients died from lack of medicine or oxygen. Even in the western world, people died in the epidemic of Kovid, but not because of lack of logistics but because of the severity of the disease. No patient died in the hospital premises due to lack of oxygen.
Risk management system
The Corona epidemic has now taught companies that they need a better risk management system. Every company has to be financial, manufacturing, operational, geopolitical (riot) risk, but due to the epidemic of Kovid, many companies have transformed themselves into an 'open system' or will have to. Of course all complex systems are full of discrimination. He hides his secret from mankind. Therefore, companies are not ready to face such a complex system. So what to do for this?
Companies that want to be vigilant should be prepared to plan scenarios against their employees at every level (top, middle and supervisory) using brainstorming techniques. What happens if Kovid's third mutation occurs? What if this third mutation continues for six months, a year or two? What if China invades us during Kovid? What if Kovid forces every citizen to live in a village? Dozens of such scenarios can be discussed. In fact, it is difficult to prepare in advance for an event that we do not even know the statistical probability of.
There are so many reasons behind Kovid or human body or our immunity etc. and the chain of causes is so long that the method of scientific model does not work in it. We try to explain such phenomena through complexity theories. There is no such knowledge (of quantum mechanics or nanotechnology, of viruses) hidden in our religious or mythological texts. It is an invention of secular, modern science.
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