- Sales tax: Soham Mashruwala
Under the GST Act, the government has introduced a system of e-invoicing which makes it mandatory to issue tax invoices in dealings with GSTIN holders. But there is no facility to issue e-invoices when dealing with a non-registered person but it is suggested to print 'QR code' on the bill. The government has recently made some disclosures in a circular regarding this 'QR code' which is discussed in today's article.
To whom will the provision apply? The supplier's Rs. All suppliers with a turnover of more than Rs 500 crore are required to print the QR Code on the bill / tax-invoice in dealing with an unregistered (non-GST registered) person and no penalty if this provision is not complied with between December 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. Will not seem. From July 1, 2021, suppliers who do not comply with this provision will be charged Rs. A fine of Rs 5,000 will be imposed.
Clarification by circular
Following are the instructions issued by the Government as per the circular dated 31st June 2021 for the implementation of 'QR Code' regarding some of the complex issues clarified in Circular No. 16/12/2021-GST -
1. The supplier also has to create and print a 'QR code' for dealing with ISRO or a person who has a unique identity number under section 2 (3) as the person holding the number under section 2 (3) has to go through section 3 (2) of the GST Act. ) Are not included in the definition of a person registered under.
. In the 'QR code' the supplier has to provide his bank details in addition to the bill / tax invoice information so that the non-registered person receiving the goods or services can pay for it.
When UPIID is written in the QR code, again the supplier does not need to give his bank account details in the QR code.
. Often a collection agent is appointed by the supplier or if the UPIID of the aggregator is given in the e-commerce transaction, the supplier does not have to give the 'QR code' details of his bank account or his UPIID as the information is provided by the authorized person of the supplier.
. If the service is supplied by the supplier for which the compensation is to be received in foreign currency but the place of supply for the supply of this service is considered to be India, then the transaction is not called export and No code required.
. At the time of retail sale, the supplier first collects the compensation and then the bill is made. In such cases, a stand of 'QR code' is often placed on the counter for payment of compensation. Now in such a transaction, the reference number of the compensation received by the supplier has to be given in the 'QR code'. So that it can be proved that the payment of the bill given to the customer has been received by the supplier before the bill is made.
. Often when a coupon or part payment has been made, the matter has to be mentioned in the QR code and the bill and the entire bill amount is not to be shown in the QR code.
Thus, care should be taken from 1st July 2021.
VmonsteVra-yo Robin Brown https://wakelet.com/wake/eTO3-P4C-AP3bkHtLAcWK