- If God Himself in plain clothes comes and stands in front of us, then how can we recognize Him?
- How can we say that the gem is true when we are in the dark?
- Until we go into the light of knowledge, how do we know how precious a human being is!
- One cannot become a hero without patience. Which of the countless stones in Fenta will be the true gem?
The king sent his son to study in the ashram and said: 'Kumar, we all studied with the Gurujan of the ashram. Is a very noble guru. You will be smarter by studying with them. '
The prince reached the ashram. Then Guruji said: 'Do you want to be powerful or to be a hero?'
Kumar was confused. He asked: 'I don't understand the difference between the two, Gurudev!'
Guruji says: 'If you want to be powerful, I will teach you horse riding, archery and fencing. If you want to be a hero, you have to be humble, tolerant and non-violent. '
Kumar did not understand the difference between the two. He had heard a lot about heroism. He says: 'Make me a hero, Gurudev!'
Gurudev just started Kumar's lessons.
Most of the time, Kumar was entrusted with the task of serving everyone who came.
Kumar felt very wrong about this. He thought to himself, 'I am a great prince, and I have to serve everyone! What is there to learn? Many of these men are so ordinary that they can hardly be given any importance other than age. '
So one day the prince got annoyed and went to his father and said: 'Guruji teaches me heroism, but in it he tells me to be in love with everyone all the time, and he has made me serve everyone. Where did the heroism come from? '
The king gave a precious necklace and said to his son: 'Give this necklace as a gift to your Guruji.'
Kumar was even more surprised. It happened to him: 'If he came to complain to his father, he did not listen to his complaint. Respected Guruji from above and gave a reward. '
Kumar took the necklace and went to Guruji. Without saying anything, he offered the defeat to Guruji.
Guru Chela then went to the forest to test the plants. There was a delay in research. When the darkness of the evening came down, Guruji spoke up: 'Hey, one of the gems in this necklace seems to have fallen into this.'
Kumar also started looking for gems in so many places. Incidentally there were many pieces of shiny stone. Kumar spread his wings and started building all these shiny stones in it. There were no small or big stones!
Guruji asked: 'I needed only one gem. What are you doing with all these stones? '
The prince says: 'It is difficult to tell which gem is the true gem in the dark. So I will take all these stones to the light and extract them and find out who our true gem is. '
Guruji said: 'Brother, today you have got the answer to one of your questions. You hesitate to fall in love with all human beings. You see Nanam in it, but unless we go into the light of knowledge, how do we know how precious a human being is! Heroism means endurance and proper judgment. The only true knowledge lies in appreciating things. Just as you will observe hundreds of false stones, only then will you get the true gem out of them, in the same way you have to approach all human beings, big and small, known and unknown. To serve them.
Only after researching that service can you find a true human being like a true gem in your hands. How can we say that the gem is true when we are in the dark? In that darkness, precious gems come into our hands, alas! If God Himself in plain or ordinary disguise comes and stands in front of us, how can we recognize Him? And disciple! One cannot become a hero without patience. Heroism is not achieved! '
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