Most of the people are thin

- When one is born as a human being, auspicious deeds, auspicious thoughts, virtues, good thoughts and good deeds are necessary. Based on our deeds, we will decide how and where the next birth will take place. Human life is fleeting.

We should consider ourselves lucky to be incarnated as human beings in this world. We are fortunate to have this precious human birth. Shri Narayan also assumed human body in his various incarnations. Examples are Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Parashuram, Buddha, Vamana incarnation, Narsingh incarnation (half human body) etc. By assuming human incarnation, Shri Hari did many greens.

We have been born human through our good deeds and accumulated deeds. We consider ourselves lucky that we have been born human. When one is born as a human being, good deeds, good thoughts, virtues, good thoughts and good deeds are necessary. Based on our deeds, we will decide how and where the next birth will take place. Human life is fleeting. 'It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. So when we have a human body today, it is in our best interest to do as much as we can in life. The human incarnation is the only incarnation that can be spoken clearly. The language of animals or birds is not understood.

Being human bodies, we can go to temples for darshan and worship. We can do Shravan Kirtan. We can sing hymns. We can make our life beautiful through music.

The human body seems to work for others. The human body can serve the elderly, the disabled and animals. Being a human body, one can get sanskrit and education. Man has good thinking ability. Many people also want organ donation and eye donation before death.

Thus the possessor of a human body has many advantages which are not possessed by assuming another body. Therefore, if the human birth is used as much as possible, there is a special benefit. Saint Tulsidas has sung the praises of human body in Shri Ram Charit Manas. Only those who are lucky get the incarnation of a human being so we need to take care of our body, keep it clean and stay healthy is the need of the hour.

Let us also seek the favor of others by grooming the precious human body properly.

- Bharat Anjaria
