- Identity of the sky - Kumarapala Desai
- 'I closed my eyes and sat upright in Sukhasan. The body was stable. The voice was silent. The mind gradually began to ascend to higher levels of consciousness
Many texts have been composed about Jain Yoga. Samarth Acharyas and Sadhus-Mahatmas have also practiced Jain Yoga. In fact, yoga is not a subject of study, it is a matter of practice, and when it is practiced, a person not only gets the light of spiritual life, but at the same time, his practical life is also enlightened.
Moreover, with the knowledge of yoga, the position of saints, Kabir's doha, a verse of a folklore and at the same time a modern poem or ghazal also shines naturally from one's own world. The instinctiveness of such yoga is experienced through the life and poetry of Suresh Gala and the experience of yoga is finally felt as the words of Upadhyaya Shri Yashovijayji resound in his speech.
Sakhiri, I am happy today,
Karke krupa prabhu darshan dino,
Eliminate the pain,
Eliminate the pain,
Bhavaki pain erased.
Since this humming comes from a distance, the inner glow in his voice is felt. Self-seeker Shri Suresh Gala studied the scriptures of Jainism, along with the texts of Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yogasutra, Upanishads, Sant Sahitya, Sufi tradition etc. He constantly tries to experience the insights of yoga in his life. Actions are its outward form, but they explain the global definition of samyagdarshan by transcending its gross outward appearance.
Samyagdarshan is acceptable in every religion of the world, only that different religious terminology is applied to it in every religion. But beyond that definition, it is the ultimate price and we need a rare experience of such an ultimate feeling. They say,
I closed my eyes and sat upright in Sukhasan. The body was stable. The voice was silent. The mind gradually began to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. Different realizations began to take place at different levels of consciousness. Sometimes a divine fragrance was felt, sometimes various sounds were heard. Mahatmas were seen with closed eyes. The body felt cold and light. There was a point of improvement in his mouth. Shrimad’s words came to mind, ‘Improvement for the position in the self that rains down on the mouth. It's an incredible base. '
He further says - 'I came to a stop in this ascent. Everything in front of the camp looked dim. Standing on this camp I began to look in all four directions. Different scenes appeared in each direction. I was sitting still on the ground, but all this was happening in a subtle role. '
After the experiences of such a subtle role, he sees five figures and each of them echoes the main motto of his religion with his religious dress and over time he realizes that this is Samyagdarshan. At that moment, he lost consciousness. The names of their respective religious traditions came to the mind of each figure. The names were different but the meaning was the same and he realized spirituality for the realization of such an element of consciousness beyond the body and then for the glimpse of such a self-element beyond the body of the same medicine as the medicine of bhavroga.
Sadhak Shri Sureshbhai Gala practiced yoga with many sadhus and saints. Swami Purnananda Tirtha, Swami Shilanandbharati, Pujyashree Kirtichandra Maharaj (Brother Triputi) received a subtle understanding of the yoga path from Sahu. He revealed the inner flow behind the traditional external actions of Yoga Adi and hence he revealed the path of Atmasadhana and Yogasadhana in particular.
They also describe the experiences that take place at the level of consciousness of such a self-seeker and note that the self-seeker becomes immersed in such a paramatman beyond duality and Advaita. Karma, samskaras, lusts, quarrels, kashayas etc. stuck on the mind from birth to birth are burnt or lost. Feeling oneness with the Param Tattva. Doomsday is apparently the catalyst for a united Khundia and their subsequent emergence as a galactic power. The self-realized birth is freed from the cycle of death, from the cycle of transmigration.
Shri Sureshbhai Gala did an important work that in Jainism there is a yoga sadhana with its distinctive and wide horizons. He revealed this through his thoughts, lectures and scriptures. He learned Pranayama from Swami Purnananda Tirtha on December 16. At that time he was practicing yogasana. Started study of Anulom, Vilom, Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Mudra Pranayama, Jalandhar Dam, Uddiyan Dam, Mulbandh etc. He says that today I can say that he learned not breathing but pranayama. Is. In 180, he also learned from Swami Shilanandabharati how to do Panchmahabhuta purification (earth, water, fire, air and sky) by concentrating on certain centers of the body using certain substances.
Saadhak Shri Sureshbhai achieved many successes through the combination of Jain philosophy and yoga practice and at the same time due to his comprehensive vision he started looking at the practice of yoga of many religions. In addition, at the time of every Paryushana festival, a book of his study and inspiration for yoga is released. An organization like Shri Mumbai Jain Yuvak Sangh should publish it. Moreover, Shri Sureshbhai Gala, who dedicates all the income from these scriptures to good deeds, has written scriptures about Saint Mekandada of Kutch or Adi Sant Kavitri Lalleshwari of Kashmir. He has discussed some of the topics of Jaindarshan in the book titled 'Maramno Malak' in terms of self-realization.
'Yoga Sadhana and Jainism', 'Bhagavad Gita and Jainism', Upadhyay Yashovijayji Maharaj's biography on 'Agamni Wate Part-1', 'Sol Bhavna', 'Ratnatrayi', 'Mantravignan and Surimantra' as well as' Keshi-Gautam He has published books like 'Samvad'. Each of these books is like a pearl in the deep sea for the self-seeker or it opens an endless window in his life. The purpose of these texts is to look at religion from the point of view of self-realization and to organize it for human welfare in the present context. The science of purifying the mind is acquired through the life force located in the body and it is understood how to divert the activation of our life force and the power of consciousness from the world to the soul. In this way, these scriptures create a unique spiritual life in the seeker with the constant fragrance of the element of consciousness.
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