The color of love is lavender.

- Vocabulary-Paresh diameter

Blue or brown for a boy and pink for a girl. Combining these two colors makes pale purple i.e. lavender color

If anyone understands, let me say one thing

Ishq is Tufiq, not sin.

- Kirak Gorakhpuri

Love is not a crime, it is a blessing. Well known writer and editor Vinod Mehta writes in his autobiography 'Lucknow Boy' that the famous Urdu shire Firakh Gorakhpuri was always eager for homosexuality. They make every effort to attract boys like us. He drank half a bottle of rum and at the same time talked about the poems of the great English language poets Wordsworth, Shelley or Keats. He enjoyed it. Then her eyes would turn red and then she would say that love between men is also natural. Then they would ask one of us to sit next to them and that was the signal to run away from there now ...!

June is the month of self-respect for gay people. Whether they are male or female but as a partner they prefer to love a gay person. Thus, in addition to 'lesbian' or 'gay' (lesbian male) now 'bisexual' (bisexual female or male) and 'transgender' (opposite person by birth). Now it includes 'questioning' or 'queer' (a person who is still homosexual is still questioning the choice). All abbreviations together became the word LGBTQ. Police raided the Stonewall Inn, a popular meeting place for gay people in Greenwich Village, New York, on the early morning of June 7, two years ago today. Until now, such prints were published and these stories were printed in the press. But nowhere was there any protest. This was the first time that a mob gathered around the hotel, called a police hurricane, pelted stones, and threw written coins. At that time, the police in place had finally called additional koukk. The protest lasted for five days but the seeds of the gay rights movement were sown for the first time. Last week, the Google search engine released a doodle paying homage to the pioneer of the movement, Fank Kameni (19-2011). Frank Camney served in Europe as an American soldier in World War II. He then did a doctorate in aeronautics from the prestigious Harvard University and joined the government department as a senior official in the astronaut department, but the government fired him as soon as they found out he was gay. They agitated. He challenged the American Psychiatric Association's claim that homosexuality is a mental illness. Finally, in 2006, the government formally apologized and renamed a street in the capital, Washington, D.C.

But in the middle of the last century, American rulers believed that this was psychosis. Such people do not deserve any work. It was believed that homosexuals were pro-communist and a threat to national security. He was dismissed from government service. This fear, intimidation or terror is known as 'Lavender Square'. According to the Gujarati lexicon, 'Lavender' means a fragrant flowering plant, the color of its flower is pale purple. And 'scare' means fear, intimidation or scare. The US government has declared homosexuals unfit for government jobs. They were placed in the category of criminal lunatics or moral depraved. America is a capitalist country. There is always the fear that communism will not penetrate somewhere. The belief of the people at that time was that the communists were immoral and mentally unstable. The same is true of homosexuals. And thus there was no direct connection between communists and homosexuals, but for both, the atmosphere of fear at the government level grew darker. But why did lavender aka pale purple color this fear? The fear of the communists became known as the 'Red Square'. Its pioneer, Senator McCarthy, linked Red Square to Lavender Square to keep it alive, so that the matter could be discussed. He used to say to the reporters, "If you are against me, then either you are a communist or you are an oral sex creator."

Every Native American country sees man and woman in two different colors. If there is a boy, he is always in a blue or blue dress and a girl is dressed in a pink dress. Just by looking at the little boy one knows whether it is a boy or a girl. How would we feel if a boy dressed in pink? But what color should be given to a boy or a girl who has a different nature from the original body in terms of gender or race? What color is blue and pink combined? Pale purple aka color lavender. In the year 19, the poet Harold Hersey wrote a satirical poem called 'Lavender Cowboy'. The American cowboy is usually an American cowboy who is obsessed with masculinity. But here was a cowboy who was timid by nature and had only two hairs on his chest. In the dictionary of colloquial words published in the year 19, a word appeared ઃ streak of lavender (line of lavender). It meant: Bailo, the same woman, the same feminine, the weaker, the poorer hearted boy. It is said that he was the 'G' or 'B' of LGBTQ. Author Carl Sandberg, however, did not elaborate. But so determined that the color lavender was not normal. Not for normal relationships.

In the twentieth century, it became synonymous with homosexuality. If one or both of them are gay in a marriage, it is called lavender marriage. Anyone who attends such a wedding is greeted with a lavender rose. We all know how to celebrate Valentine's Day. Have a Rose Day. If there is gay love then lavender roses are traded. Before the twentieth century the color lavender was not a symbol of homosexual love. On the contrary, rich people wore lavender colors and loved heterosexuality. Lavender color was made from natural flowers which was very expensive. But then in the nineteenth century a chemical dye of such color was accidentally discovered. Now they are becoming the color of clothing that everyone can afford. Gradually this color became associated with homosexuality. It is different that lavender brings peace of mind. Also brings luck. That is what it is. Let's accept it and move on.

Word remaining:

'Being gay is the same as being leftist. Mostly people are right-wingers. Few people are left. Why is there a left or right? - I don't know. There is nothing true or false. That's all there is to it! '

