The world's largest triangle: the Ganges Delta

Wind and water currents erode the ground and create new colors and shapes. Among them, the river flowing from the mountain meets the sea and makes many big changes in the area. The flow of river water and floods cause severe upheaval on the land. The silt that accumulates in the river is deposited on the shores of the place where it merges with the sea.

The river divides into several branches when it meets the sea. This place is called the mouth of the river. At the mouth of the river, the triangular piece of land is considered important in many ways. The largest oral triangle in the world is located in West Bengal. The mouth triangle is called a delta. This delta is formed where the two major rivers of India, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, meet the sea.

Divided into two countries, India and Bangladesh, the delta covers an area of ​​102,000 sq km. This clay soil region is considered to be very fertile. It is dependent on the river Ganga and is the most populous triangle in the world. The Sundarbans is well known here. The flow of the Ganges, Jamuna, and Brahmaputra rivers from the Himalayan mountains slows down as they approach the sea, and the fertile silt in the stream settles on the ground. The Gangetic delta is considered to be the most fertile in the world.
