Why do great men become anchors?

- Antaryatra-Dr.Sarvesh Q. Vora

- "Gofniyo gha ek maro, Guruji me gofniyo gha ek maro

Why would Lo Ko hold a finger instead of looking at the moon? Why would they be "cementing" the gestures of great men? Why would a new sect be formed on the basis of the "Paliya" of a warrior who is fighting against sectarian inertia?

Any black-headed thinker (yes, you, me, that cobbler, the vegetable seller, and the unseen - '' brand '', any well-known clergyman who walks around laughing) is, after all, a truth-seeker, a diamond-seeker. Is. What is our motto to say that this is the "ultimate truth" wherever we are all truth-seekers? If we have not reached the "final conclusion", how much is our point of giving a "certificate" to others?

We do not fall into the discussion of heavy philosophy, but if we examine the life so far, we can know that delusions, delusions like toys have been interfering with our understanding. When and if that illusion is broken two things happen, pain and light. This is like removing cataracts from the eye. This is the thing that makes a drunkard come to his senses.

The birthright of this blow to the destiny of great thinkers is written on the forehead. Remember those lines? "Gofniyo gha ek maro, Guruji me gofniyo gha ek maro

Who said that where Osho, Krishnamurti or Vivekananda reached, the final bottom was reached? Why do you get upset when someone tells you that there is still room to go much deeper than where Osho, Krishnamurti, Vivekananda or any other thinker has reached? Why do you feel pain when someone says that even the great thinkers mentioned above have been found to be shallow and hasty in many conclusions?

The reason is just that. Instead of thinking that any thinker is ultimately an "inventor", instead of realizing that it is the "holy wind" that gives you momentum, you have made a statue of that thinker, an inanimate idol, using its anchor in inertia with "athedwarka" Have done.

When you "cement" or "brand" Gandhi, Osho, Vimalatai, Krishnamurti or any other thinker, instead of the anchor that moves and liberates you, you make a terrible insult to that great man.
