With the unlock process being implemented in Maharashtra after the lockdown, shooting of many TV serials and films has started with new guidelines. Unfortunately, this is proving to be a challenge for New Normal reality shows.
As part of Maharashtra's new protocols with the new concessions, shooting is allowed for a few hours only in a very safe environment (bubble) and outdoor shooting cannot take place after 6 pm. Entertainment industry experts fear that such limited shooting hours could interfere with the natural flow of reality shows. "Memorable moments naturally come with the flow in such shows," says Kakrit, the captain of the Indian Pro Music League team and a well-known singer. Those occasions are not written in the script. So it is very difficult to shorten their flow but at the same time it is important to create and broadcast new episodes.
Shooting for the Indian Pro Music League has resumed in Mumbai but units of another reality show 'Indian Chapter 2' are either waiting to get permission to start shooting or to get a shooting location.
Ashok Dubey, general secretary of the Federation of Western India Employees (FWICE), adds that concerns over the third wave of Corona are making the situation more difficult. His unit is so huge and there are some other things that play a part in it. ' Explaining the problems he faces when the producer goes to shoot a reality show outside Mumbai, Dubey says, "When they shoot in Mumbai, they get all the necessary facilities on time. There is a proper set up here, which is not the case in other locations.
'Shooting reality shows is usually two days long. The problem is what to do with so many technicians and where to land the show's competitors. In my opinion, it is better to test all the corona before shooting than to bubble, 'said well-known serial producer J. D. Says Majithia.
On the other hand, Nikhil Malik, a contestant on MTV Splits Villa X2, complains about the different treatment of star judges and contestants, saying, . '
"These are all small problems in the beginning," said filmmaker Ashok Pandit, who insisted that people should always look to the positive side in times of crisis. We must not forget that we can do little more than just sit idle. '
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