- Protecting the country when disaster strikes is the same devotion. There can be no greater power than this!
The Lion of Harashtra. Shivaji has got such a glorious title. Shivaji was the lion on the battlefield. He fought against the Mughals like a lion but was again religious. Living in the company of saints and also serving saints.
He had just got acquainted with Saint Tukaram. They were happy over Saint Tukaram. Trying to keep them to himself.
When Shivaji started giving so much respect to Tukaram, Saint Tukaram once said: 'Shivabha, it is right that you call me a saint. I live in the middle of the world. And I do whatever devotion can be. But if you want to see a true saint, go and meet Swami Ramdas. '
After hearing the words of another saint in the mouth of a saint, will Shivaji stay? He asked: 'Where will you find Swamiji?'
Hussein Tukaram says: 'They will not get anything like that easily. They do not live in one place. Wandering in the forests, taking God's name, doing good to people. '
Shivaji started searching for Swamiji from village to village and from forest to forest.
In the end, Swamiji was found with great difficulty. They lived in a secluded place, building a leaf hut.
Shivaji asked: 'Maharaj! Are you not afraid to live in such a secluded and wild place? '
Swamiji says: 'Fear! In which dictionary is the word? Yes, maybe that word will be in your worldly dictionary! For the rest of us, the word is completely unknown, brother! This whole world is made by God. Just as God is the father of other animals, he is also our father. Now what is the fear of the one who opens the father? '
Shivaji was shocked to hear the voice of Swami Ramdas. If they became more acquainted with Swamiji, they would find Tukaram's words true. These were the true saints.
Shivaji remained there and began to serve Swamiji and listen to his mangalvani.
Swamiji immediately said: 'No, Shivba! You can't stay here. You are king Your duty is great. The king is called the guardian of the people. Just as the Lord looks after the people from above, so the king has to look after his people-world. Go to work Work hard and live with the people. I have the same command for you. When the country is calling the king, it is not right for the king to stay with the saints. '
Swamiji knew that Shivaji was fighting against the Mughals. Akhil Maharashtra is trying to deploy, its goal is big.
Swamiji then commanded Shivaji: 'Shiva! Protecting the country when disaster strikes is the same devotion. There is no greater devotion. '
Hearing such a voice from the mouth of the saint himself, Shivaji returned to the kingdom and he took over the reigns of the kingdom with a bang.
It is true that even the monks should turn the princes towards the country at the time of calamity, not towards devotion. Oops! It is his duty to lead the people in the same way.
Let's say, what is the service that goes beyond the service of the country? What is devotion?
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