Actor Hitanshu Jinsi, who made his small screen debut in 2013, has acted in a number of Hindi-language mythological serials and other daily shows, including South Indian language mythological serials. But the actor feels like a big responsibility to play the characters of God in mythological series.
Hitanshu, who recently played the role of Lord Jagannath in 'Vighnaharta Ganesh', says that playing the role of God is a big responsibility. The characters in other episodes are either fictional or based on real people. It is not particularly difficult to find context for these characters. And there is no fear of hurting anyone's faith. But one has to be extremely careful while playing the role of God. It is difficult to find context in them. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. The slightest omission can hurt the viewer's faith.
Hitanshu doesn't like to be typecast just by playing the characters of God. He says that as an artist I like to do a variety of work. So I work in both mythological and fictional shows. Possibly I do both types of serials simultaneously so that the same image of me does not take root in the minds of the viewers. Of course, playing the roles of God seems like a blessing to me.
It may be mentioned here that Hitanshu had earlier played the role of Lord Vishnu in 'Ant Hi Arambh Hai'. He says that I myself am a devotee of Krishna. In this, I get to play the role of Lord Vishnu. Honestly, playing the characters of God in mythological serials makes me feel close to God.
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