'Ray without recognizing the soul ...'
No one in Ji Van says that the soul .. originated or died! When the body of a Mahatma or a saint remains perfect, people say that Swamiji became a Brahmin. A great man dies. So he is said to have passed away. If it was an ordinary person, he died. A type values. Such sentences are suggested. When we also consider the soul to be immortal. Based on this it is said that the body itself is produced.
Their seed is destroyed! If favorable soil and climate coincidence is obtained it germinates again. That is how the seed-like microcosm survives as the body is destroyed! Due to not getting liberation from karma, this body often becomes a state of assumption. Until that being becomes free from its accumulated karma. Until then the soul cannot even think of contemplation. But the bond of karma never ends. Wise men say that this is possible only when ego is destroyed!
When the ego of a human being disappears. That element then becomes the authority of philosophy. No matter how hard a person tries, he cannot see the element. Then no matter how much charity, service or penance he does! Even if one becomes a great scholar of Vedanta, philosophy does not become possible without abandoning ego. There is as much karma as charity, service etc. It helps to cure all ego. But it is not a tool to become a philosopher! As much as there is karma. It is motivated by all the virtues. Being the prime minister of Sattvaguna, he takes interest in the things of human knowledge and tries to move towards the search of truth.
Due to the predominance of Rajoguna, the desire to store different kinds of pleasures and things of the world becomes prevalent in the human mind. And he does karma with a strong desire to keep the stored objects safe for his own self-interest. Being a Tamoguni ministry, human beings fall into negligence. He becomes lazy. Human beings trapped in ignorance and fascination. The beast that lives in darkness lives the same life. Sattvaguni elevates the human being to the maximum. Then Rajoguni gets trapped in the middle.
Tamoguni makes a human being indifferent. Through these three kinds of instincts, Maya spreads her web and weaves the structure of the world. That is why in the Upanishads the sages have said that every human being should try to know the indestructible soul. Because it (soul) does not go anywhere. And neither coming from anywhere! It is omnipresent. Is the breadwinner of all. When a human being tries to see this self under the influence of his past deeds. Then he slowly begins to spread the light of the knowledge of the depths of the distance. He seems to know the secret element of the world. Thus when a human is preoccupied with this element. So the knot of their ego begins to loosen. As the ego decreases. At the same time, the ego's cover of delusion also becomes thinner. Then the glimpse of the light of that self-element becomes clear.
That is why Lord Krishna also explained to Arjuna in Ranmedan that 'the unborn of this self element is eternal and eternal! You try to know this indestructible. ! There is nothing left to know more than to know! But for that, the price of ego has to be paid. Then the intellect will be able to realize this form of self. And I will become detached from the worldly world!
- Laljibhai G. Manvar
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