One of the best fitness heroines in Bollywood, if any, is Malaika Arora. He was still trapped in Kovid-17's Nagchud in September last year, but his health was restored within a few months of his recovery. Of course, he worked hard for this as it is very difficult for anyone to get out of Kovid's illness, but this is Malaika - she has recovered from a lot of pain by exercising and doing yoga and working again. Has also started. Here, Malaika has talked about various ways including how she regained her health, how much she worked hard, which her fans will love and they will read carefully.
"My workout is a daily affair and there is no doubt about it," says Malaika Arora. "I don't do anything differently. I work out every day, but after coming out of the clutches of Kovid-13 last year, I started my workout in phases. It took a while, but I got my health back on track. I didn't usually push myself. I started it right. He was careful not to overload the body.
I started all this slowly, in stages. Everyone is very aggressive in this matter, but it is not right. Working can be tedious and there is a lot of uncertainty, but by the grace of God I did everything slowly and got my car back on track and I feel stronger now. To be honest, I have also seen days when I could not bend and touch my toes.
I couldn’t push myself so I was frustrated. There was nothing I could do and I had no choice, but I decided to move on at a slower pace. After recovering from Kovid, I wanted to start a workout and run fast, but Kovid had a bad effect on my knees, which I was not sure about, but my whole body was helpless with the virus. I changed my approach. I stopped running for it and decided not to do anything wrong. I started eating right, taking care of my cork and in six-eight months I was physically fit again, 'said Malaika.
Regarding taking part in a reality show, Malaika Arora said, "I was scared to go out. Actually I was going to Bengaluru for some shoot, but I canceled because I got fever. Kovid cases were also on the rise at the time and I didn't think it was appropriate to go out. I was afraid to go for the kids' reality show, but I found it easier when they agreed to take me according to their plan. I took the vaccine and it worked to boost my confidence. Although the vaccine did not guarantee that the virus would not attack again, it did protect you from harm to your body. After this I decided to go to a better place. '
The lockdown was very difficult, says Malaika, "It was a difficult phase even for the youth. My son Arhan is 18 years old, he was going to go for higher education, but I didn't think it was right to send him away from me. We decided to take a year gap. I was clear on what to do if he did so he needed to be able to use his time well. I told him to keep busy, to learn something new and not to waste his time sitting still. I understood exactly what I was saying. In the early stages of the lockdown we enjoyed the time staying at home. Because he had to do his job soon. He combined online courses and devoted his time to staying physically fit.
Previously, he did not have this agenda, but now he started to take note of the fact that he eats the right food, lives in a sedentary lifestyle. He worked out regularly. I think people his age should do that. So on the other side of the epidemic he started to stay healthy. The most important thing for my son was that we spent most of our time together. We spend this phase as mamma-beta-time as she is then going to study and build a career. Each situation has its own positivity. '
"Everyone wants their relationship to be balanced in a changed situation," says Malaika. "I also used this time wisely and did my best to nurture my relationship." Yes, it is very difficult and there is no freedom around us that we can keep close to the one we love the most. Yet even at this stage one has the opportunity to understand each other better and to maintain the relationship between the two of us. I find this matter valuable. My relationship means the whole world is mine - that is, 'said Malaika Arora.
I have been doing yoga since I went to school: Malaika
International Yoga Day was celebrated on June 21. Needless to say, the value of yoga in today's difficult times. Malaika Arora is one of the fittest personalities in Bollywood. He is also a co-founder of a yoga school where he loves yoga so much. Let us know what Malaika says for yoga.
‘I have been doing yoga since I went to school, which has had a profound effect on my life. My most favorite yoga posture is Che - Surya Namaskar. This asana is easy. I also love twisting asanas, which detoxifies our bodies, 'says Malaika, adding,' I find the most challenging asana backbands. He wants stamina, stanima and flexibility. I have fantastic teachers of yoga. Whom I meet every day and follow their advice. '
Yoga focuses on a lot of natural movements. So it is very easy to start with basic yoga. This can be followed by a novice as well as a student, says Malaika, adding, 'I also meditate. Meditation is a big part of my yoga practice. Yoga establishes contact with the mind-body-breath, which gives peace of mind. '
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