Purification: When God embraces man, then to understand that life is blessed

- The Lord is constantly watching over us until He sees His reflection in us.

Once, some women were sitting in a group studying the Bible. Rather than reading, he read that 'God sits down to purify by purifying.' They wondered what the show might have meant. One of the women said, "I will tell you at our next meeting after learning about the purification process."

The woman took the time to approach a Sony and see how she refined the silver. Asked permission to come to him to inspect it. However, she did not tell Soni that her motive was to find out.

The woman noticed that Sonny put a piece of silver on the fire in the furnace and let it heat up. Sony very quietly persuaded the woman to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where its flames are highest and especially fierce in order to purify the silver so that all the impurities in it are burnt.

The woman thought that God was holding us in times of distress and reminded her of that Bible verse. God sits as pure and cleansing. If this is good, he must sit by the fire until the silver is pure.

"Yes, you have to not only hold on to the silver but also keep an eye on the silver as long as it is in the fire," said Soni. "If the silver stays on the fire for longer than necessary, it will be destroyed."

The woman was silent for a moment and began to think. He then asked Sonny how do you know that silver is completely pure?

Sony answered this question with a smile, "It's so easy to know when I see my reflection in it that the silver is completely pure."

The woman now understands that if we are sadly going through the flames of fire, remember that we are in the hands of the Lord, His gaze is constantly on us. The Lord constantly watches over us until He sees His reflection in us.

So much so that it is necessary to remember that there are four steps in happiness when a human being walks. Two of them and two of the Lord, but in sorrow only badge steps appear and it is because of the Lord that in sorrow the Lord has lifted him up and embraced him and when God embraces man, then to understand that life is blessed.

- Tarak Divetia
