- Identity of the sky - Kumarapala Desai
- Rare history is being repeated as the birth centenary celebration of Pujya Acharyasri Dolatsagarsurishwarji Maharaj Saheb. This Shatabdi Shankhanad year will be rare in the sense that it will have hundreds of different programs of penance, meditation and renunciation and through it the light of Acharyasri's piety, devotion to governance and advent will spread in the distance.
What is Khanad is the triumph of the achievement achieved. But here we are talking about the omnipresent conch shell of a life of restraint. Today, in the birth centenary year of Acharya Shri Dolatsagarsurishwarji Maharaj, conch shells are being chanted all around. But the sounds of penance, restraint and growth of knowledge are emanating from that conch shell. Anahat Naad, which is pure from the Srutagyan of Japa, Jivaraksha, Samayik and Bhakti, is being heard from that Shankhanad.
On the page of history, mentions of the centenary year of Jain Sadhu Mahatmas are found. Today, this rare history is being repeated in the form of the birth centenary celebration of Pujya Acharyasri Dolatsagarsurishwarji Maharaj Saheb. This Shatabdi Shankhanad year will be rare in the sense that it will have hundreds of different programs of penance, meditation and renunciation and through it the light of Acharyasri's piety, devotion to governance and advent will spread in the distance.
Even at the age of one hundred, they carry out their daily activities on their own. Both in Jinagam and Janiprati are responsible for the liberation of devotees during this period and so often they suddenly disappear from the external ceremonies and reach the Jinpratima. Even during rituals like idol prestige, instead of being present on the big stage, they should be engaged in their Gyan Puja and Paramatman Puja by staying in a quiet Jinalaya.
The awareness of the monks is that even if they are in a densely populated area of the metropolis, they go out with a tarpaulin to go to Thandil and, despite their growing age, have the opportunity to transcribe the garments of both periods. Becomes important.
Even in extreme heat, if someone uses a fan, it will stop it. Even at the age of one hundred and one as a captain, he performs daily dharmakayas and tapa aradhana. He goes about his business without any support. Even in the midst of many forgetfulness of oneself, one can guess the morning-evening pratikraman or pachakkhana on one's own and when someone else asks for pachakkhana, one can do pakkakhana without any mistake.
Constantly be aware that there is no contradiction in the opposite or the formula. His guru bhakti is also such and his loyalty to the government is also such that when the time comes, he gives his opinion fearlessly by facing a tough or trying challenge. If a sadhu-sadhvi comes to pay homage to him, he asks him, 'What penance have you done today? How far has knowledge-worship reached? '
Today, many monks and nuns do self-cultivation under his umbrella. In addition, they have seen many Acharyas and ascetics in their lives and thousands of laborers have been blessed with their blessings. Even today, more than 5 sadhus and sadhvis are the leaders of a large community of gods and for nine years, they have been in the company of Agamodvarak Pujya Anandsagarsurishwarji Maharaj (Sagarji Maharaj). He holds a prominent position in the selection committee of the Tapagachchiya Shramana Sammelan.
At present he is the only Acharya who has traveled twice in the one hundred and nineteen welfare lands of the special Tirthakar Paramatma. If a sadhu is reading Agam Granth, even today, one hundred years later, he reads it by sitting next to him. Even at such an age, his mastery of the Sanskrit language is surprising. In the same way, they explain classical subjects such as biology or innovation not through scripture, but through their deep knowledge.
Four general conventions of Tapagachchha have been formed during his lifetime and the last V.S. He took the lead in the 203rd Convention as a leading man. The rosary in his hand and the instinctive smile on his face are his eternal identity. Of special note is the fact that Gachchadhipati Acharya Shri Dolatsagarsurishwarji was born on 10th October 190, i.e. on the 14th day of Bhadarva Vad 14.
He was born in the Patel clan in a small village called Jetpur near the city of Mehsana in North Gujarat. His father Galdasbhai and mother Diwali sister named him Shankar. At that time, who would have thought that this little Shankara, born in another caste, would be the influential ruler of the future, who would rise to the position of Gachchadhipati of Jinshasan!
This is the green of past karmas or the motivation to become Shiva from the jiva is awakened due to those past karmas. At the age of only fourteen, he came from Jetpur to Champabahen in Ahmedabad to work there and at that time he heard the Namaskar Mahamantra for the first time. Here was the Chaturmas of Gachchadhipati Pujya Acharya Devendrasagarsurishwarji Maharaj. This Shankara of Jetpur visited him and different values began to awaken in his heart.
Gradually the fragrance of asceticism began to waft from within and finally as a result he took Samyam Diksha on the sixth day of Kartakavad of VS18. The news caused a stir in his family and they took him back to Jetpur from Ahmedabad, but the spirit of asceticism was constantly growing in his mind and so he came back to Ahmedabad and dedicated his life at the feet of Gurudev. On that day he became Munivarya Dolatsagarsurishwarji Maharaj from Shankara.
After that, day by day, his restraint was gradually increasing. His ascetic life was a triune confluence of service, dedication and self-study. He always had the same spirit in his mind and that is that the jinn agams containing the voice of Lord Mahavira should be protected. With this goal in mind, he republished 'Agam Ratnamanjusha'. He built seven Agam temples and thirty-one Barsasutra temples. Seeing his unparalleled srutabhakti, he received the sacred title of 'Jinagamsevi'.
After that he was given Ganipadavi, Panyas Padavi, Upadhyaya Padva and in Ahmedabad he was given Acharya Padva. On the one hand, it is an excellent tool of restraint, on the other hand, it is a continuous pursuit of Srutasadhana. He inspired the famous Punakatrakatirtha and prepared the arrival plates at seven different places. He prepared Barsasutras in about thirty-one Sanghs and gave them, and thus through the copperplate of the Barsasutras he inspired the glory of the Agam Sutras and the unparalleled Srutasadhana. Created several genealogies.
On December 16 last year, Teoshri turned 100 years old. In this way, in his long life, he has a pure initiation of eighty-two years. Always engrossed in Gnana Yoga and Japa Yoga, his centenarian body does not have any disease or need any spectacles yet and today the regime spends five to six hours daily in the works of influence. The Principal of the Pravarasamiti of the Jain Sangh has built a magnificent Jinalaya of Lord Munisuvrataswamy in his village Jetpur. Although there is not a single house of Jain community in the village, many people worship with devotion. That is why he has reprinted the special 'Agam Ratnamanjusha' and established it in cities and villages.
The birth centenary celebration of Pujya Acharya Dolat Sagar Surishwarji Maharaj, who has been a pioneer in many religious activities such as many charitable associations, hundreds of initiations, Anjan Shalaka, Upadyan Tap, is being celebrated everywhere today as a historic shankhanad year. . Author of more than 200 books This historic event is to be completed with the Mars inspiration of Shri Jitaratnasagarsuriji and the great ascetic Poo Shri Chandraratnasagarsuriji of 100 + 100 + 2 Vardhamantap line.
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