Sushmita Sen's web-series 'Arya' has received a good response and was still streaming on OTT during this time around last year. After being dormant for almost five years, Sushmita was spotted again so naturally her fans were overjoyed. On June 15, Sushmita celebrated the show's anniversary on Instagram in which she recalled interesting things about her milestone. 'Arya' was a terrific journey for me. When the world was asking me to do that series, this series came at that time. I had an amazing experience after doing this series. People came forward to see me with the whole new chapter and I was surprised to be re-adopted, says Sushmita Sen, who has become the mother and wife of two children in this series, in which she is involved with the Mafia. The series is directed by Ram Madhavani. Here Sushmita does some talking, which is heartbreaking.
Asked how she said yes to the series, Sushmita Sen said, "In my age, people mostly get the role of supporting actress. It was clear in my mind that if I wanted to make a comeback I had to love my role. My role should be key and central, in which I can show my acting. Of course, at the same time, I need to see how much good work I can do, how much screen time can do magic on the minds of the viewers. In 'Arya' I got that time and my belief was confirmed. '
Before Sushmita Sen entered Bollywood with the film 'Dastak' in the 19th, she had already won the title of 'Miss Universe' in the 19th. Sushmita has played a variety of roles in films. She has also done comedy in 'BV No.1' and has won the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actress.
She has played a very good role in the Hindi film on surrogacy 'Falhal', but then the actress suddenly disappeared from the silver screen. After 2014, she appeared in a Bengali film 'Nirbak'. Regarding her disappearance from the silver screen, Sushmita says, "At that stage, I was fighting a very different kind of fight for my health. After this I enjoyed motherhood and by the grace of God I was able to do all this, but one day all of a sudden I was surprised and people started taking my photo. My youngest daughter Alisha asked me, why do they take your photo? And I told him, I’m an artist. He turned around and asked, but I didn't see you acting. I was taken aback. You think that you are fulfilling your responsibility as a mother very well and the child is growing up and asking me to give an example and I liked to go back to the set and you missed me and good feeling arose when he said 'Arya "Look and tell me, you are a good artist," said Sushmita with a smile.
Despite being away from mainstream cinema, the actress says, 'I was not far from the limelight. I never wanted to be famous as a star. People have made me famous. Seeing me on the TV screen he expressed emotion and told me you were spotted in a certain scene. This che power for me. This is the power of human contact. '
'Arya' received a huge reception and it was also decided to make its second season and it is learned that the actress will not disappear suddenly. Asked about the changes that have taken place in the industry with the advent of OTT space, he said, "The industry can only thrive when the audience is engaged. Because in the end this is business. Movies need money. As content, creativity and a new way of thinking come together, viewers come forward to watch movies - watch movies. The new generation of content creators is aflatoon! They will open international cinema and they like good content. So they are able to create new ones, 'said Sushmita Sen.
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