- Earthlings' Unique Signature Campaign Against Jeff Bezos' Thank You So Much If You Do Space Travel But Never Return To Earth And Stay There '
- Horizon-Bhaven Kutchi
- How are billionaires, including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, owners of Google and Twitter, moving to rule the earth? Not only the citizens but also the government of that country will be their slave
Six passengers, including Richard Branson, owner of Britain's Virgin Company, will fly in space, beginning the chapter on space tourism. Astronauts from the space agency have landed on the moon for more than five decades and are now housed in the International Space Station for months in batches for research purposes. The tourism sector is now open for private companies to take earth dwellers on a similar space experience.
After Branson, four tourists, including Amazon's Bezos, are ready for the space shipment on July 20. Tesla company Fame Elon Musk has also come a long way in realizing the dream of twin planet transport and colonization with the ambitious project of space with Earth and space and beyond.
By 2030, space tourism will be worth 1,000 billion and there will be a space patch between about 50 companies around the world. Technology is advancing to the point that Hollywood's superhuman characters will have the same strength as the wrestlers on earth. We will be flying from one place to another wearing our own space suits. Humans will become drones themselves and fly in space.
While Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are in the countdown to landing a space milestone, millions of citizens around the world have formed an online group to campaign for the signatures of Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Richard Branson (Virgin), Bill Gates (Marcus) (Facebook), Larry Page and Sergey Brin (Google), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Elon Musk (Tesla) are villains with the evil intention of enslaving the citizens of the earth and fighting them to rule.
A large section of the world's citizens are giving a global impetus to the movement against such an ambitious millionaire under the 'Change.org' website. The group claims that the owners of the Dhankuber technology company have been buying genius consignments from around the world and giving them devices that create a conspiracy to turn humans into their own toys or robots. They are occupying the world's land, agriculture, environment, petroleum, alternative energy and intellectual property. They may have bought all the media directly or indirectly. The politics and agenda of the country will also be in the hands of such companies and their owners. The commodity market, the energy, the vehicles, as well as the lifestyle of the person are all being determined by these people.
Now that Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are about to fly into space, more than two million people around the world have signed an online campaign saying, "We will celebrate if you stay in space and settle down forever. The welfare of the planet is at stake." ' The petition of the movement that is going on says that 'billionaires must not exist. Not even on earth and not even in space. But if you have to choose between the two, stay tuned. '
It is not just a struggle against capitalism to support an economic system like socialism or communism, but a movement against the billionaires who are becoming billionaires with businesses and ambitious projects. Billionaires don't just stick to one of their core businesses in the race to become super rich the way they mess with nature. The systematic depletion of natural resources and the technology they are bringing to make the world fit into the 21st century will ultimately make humans economically, mentally and socially a toy and a robot.
The government of that country may think that they are running the country but in fact the thinking of their citizens will be decided by the company of billionaires. Consumerism, fashion, lifestyle, food and drink, education, culture and security - everything will be at the mercy of the products and services of such companies which are considered to be the jewels of the world. It is natural that the policy of the government will also benefit the billionaires who are funding the ruling party of that country. So much so that even these billionaires will put officials or ministers in their favorite positions.
Activists, intellectuals and writers of this anti-billionaire movement have started spreading such posts, articles and publications that in a country like America, hatred against billionaires is on the rise among the citizens. Even billionaires are beginning to feel guilty.
They have begun to focus on building their image as benefactors and world saviors. A post was posted on social media saying, "Columbus first appeared in the United States in the year 19 Doug. If a man had been earning રો 5,000 a day since then and was alive today, he would still have less money than Jeff Bezos' divorced wife.
A group campaigning against billionaires says that 5% of citizens can own as much as 5% of the world's citizens if they conspire to inhumanely exploit the earth's resources, plunder the sea, the abyss, nature, air, water, sunlight. And now he owns the planets and sells them to the human world at a high price. What the human world has a free right to as a gift of nature is now being usurped by billionaires and distributed at a high price.
First they take credit for what they are taking to the modern world by giving products that degrade human lifestyles and health and then they bring in technology to save them. The billionaire's investments are in other companies so that the business of those companies will gain momentum or his future will be brighter, so he adopts the strategy of cultivating the same world environment or habit.
Corona is a recent example of this. There is also a suspicion that Corona virus could be the result of the brutal thinking of pharma companies to do billions of dollars in business. Just think of the billions of dollars worth of vaccines, drugs, injections, sanitizers, masks, hygienic products, kits and hospitalizations for the two and a half billion people of the world's six and a half billion people. Challenges such as industries that disturb the balance of the environment or polluted air-water and carbon emissions have also been created.
Bill Gates is buying food from the poorest countries, including Africa, and from rural villages in the United States and Africa under a project that looks like a humanitarian service to farmers at first glance. His company has bought millions of acres of such land from helpless farmers and poor landowners.
Now the farmers have become bonded laborers. Will farm in some and turn the rest of the vast land into real estate. These tycoons also have investments in China and in enemy countries of the United States and Europe. They are facing charges of creating a monopoly.
Under the guise of providing convenience to the human world, they make an addicted customer. A sedentary lifestyle makes Arpi physically and mentally ill and then pursues recovery from it. They also earn a living by creating a visual environment. Business is done by writing instructions on the packaging in small letters that are 'harmful to health'. The effect of advertising and addictive tastes on consumers is such that the consumer cannot live without its consumption despite warnings that the food is fatal. Nature has given each insect, aquatic, bird, animal, creature and human being its own field. There is a boundary between water and place. The mountains and the forest have their own separate existence.
Just as air is natural, so is its structure. Unnaturally we are not able to create obstacles in the way of sunlight. Similarly, the business of jamming traffic for space, travel and research in space and on the planet can lead to the destruction of the earth. The sea is not a huge dumpster. The river is not the stomach of toxic chemicals. Deforestation is not a platform to convert industries into plots for plants. A billionaire can only be created if there is such a mess with nature and the human world.
Google's new product is also causing controversy. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Unemployment Surge could lead to a state of class warfare in the world. He still can't decide what modernity means. Is it modernity to make nature and human life more unbalanced, to give them new models of gadgets or to fly in space instead of giving them a real sense of happiness? Billionaire celebrities have not emphasized the quality of life of the human world. Life has become surrounded by inflation, stress, depression.
The end of family life is gone, the same education, food, housing and health do not appear. Isn't it true that petrol is priced at Rs 100 and billionaires do research that petrol is cheaper than opening the door to space flight? Even if water starts to meet in Padika that cannot reach Gamagam and how can we find water surface in the planet? The root cause of all this is the desire to become a billionaire.
Now, in the name of social media and digital revolution, a dangerous game is being played to capture the thinking of the human world. Worshiped as the hero who made the world hypocritical and ugly in the name of branding. In the name of religion and class, human beings are spreading animosity through the media. Even country maps are tampered with. The man has also pledged his DNA to the technology company. All sectors have become businesses with inhumane motives.
We have to have our own conscience. Do you think Jeff Bezos or Brans should be stuck in space?
... If you want to earn one million dollars a year, you have to earn 200 dollars an hour. And if you want to make અ 1 billion a year, you have to make ડો 20 every second of every day, our billionaires have a value of પાંચ 150 billion, from five billion. That too in barely two or three decades .. how is this possible .. only at the expense of the earth and its inhabitants ..
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