The fast of Harishyani-Devashyani or Padma Ekadashi achieves Vaikuntha by accomplishing good deeds!

- Vichar-Vithika-Devesh Mehta

- Mokshada, very dear to Lord Vishnu, Vaikunthaprada Devashyani Ekadashi is also known as Harishyani and Padma Ekadashi. The glory of this Agiyaras coming in Shukla Paksha (Sud) of Ashadh month is described in many Puranas.

Padmanabham Suresh of Shantakar Bhujagashaya

Vishwadharam Gagansadrasham Meghvarna Shubhgam.

Yogibhirdhyanagamya of Lakshmi Kant Kamalnayam

Vande Vishnu Bhavabhayahanr Sarvalaukeknatham.

'Whose figure (and nature) is very quiet, who sleeps on the bed of Sheshnag, who has a lotus in his navel, who is also the god of gods and the base of the whole world, who is everywhere like the sky, whose color is like a black-brown cloud I pay homage to Lakshmipati Kamalanayan Lord Shri Vishnu, whose limbs are very beautiful and auspicious, which is obtained by meditation by yogis, who is the lord of all worlds, who destroys the fear of birth and death. '

Mokshada, very dear to Lord Vishnu, Vaikunthaprada Devashyani Ekadashi is also known as Harishyani and Padma Ekadashi. The glory of this Agiyaras coming in Shukla Paksha (Sud) of Ashadh month is described in many Puranas. Chaturmas begins with Devashyani Ekadashi. Which is completed on Ekadashi of Kartik Shukla's Dev Prabodhi. During Chaturmas, eating together and reciting the name of Purushasukta or Vishnu Sahastra every day has been shown. From this day Lord Vishnu resides in the abyss for four months and sleeps on the infinite bed of the ocean of milk. He falls asleep on Sheshnag in Kshir Sagar, so many auspicious and auspicious deeds like marriage, Yajnopavit, Grihapravesh are not performed during this period due to the dormant divine power that nourishes the four worlds. During that time, sadhus, saints, mahatmas, devotees stay in one place and do sadhana or worship. This verse is spoken when Lord Vishnu is awakened on Ekadashi of Dev Prabodhi. 'Supte tvayi jagannath jagat suptan bhavedidam. Vibuddhe tvayi budhyate jagat sarva yascharam. O Jagannath, when you fall asleep this whole world falls asleep and when you wake up all of this variable and immutable creation is awakened. The one who observes Ekadashi vows of Devashyaya attains post-mortem Moksha or Vishnulok, and for the rest of his life he acquires virtue and attains the desired fruit by doing good deeds. He attains vratdhari wealth, splendor, fame, glory and fame.

An interesting story of Devpodhi Agiyaras is found in the Puranas. In the Satyug, there was a truthful, majestic, great Suryavanshi king named Mandhata. He was a prajavatsal so he raised his people like his own children. All his people were happy and prosperous. Once there was a drought in the state because there was no rain for three years in a row. People started eating and drinking. To alleviate this crisis, Mandhata went to the forest and prayed to the sages. When he came to Brahmaji's son Angira Rishi and asked for a solution to this problem, Angira Rishi said to this pious king, who was saddened by the people, 'O Rajan! Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Ashadh month which is called Devashyan or Padma Ekadashi. Vow it faithfully. Fast on that day and worship Lord Hari. Shri Hari will take care of your crisis. Mandhata solemnly vowed Ekadashi of this deity with full faith. Its effects rained down abundantly, and the people rejoiced at the large amount of food produced.

It is mentioned in Bhavishyapurana that Lord Krishna explained the glory of this Ekadashi by asking Yudhisthira. At the insistence of Yoganidra, Lord Krishna blessed him to stay in his eyes for four months. So he stays asleep for these four months. It is said in Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapuran that on this Ekadashi, Lord Vishnu killed the assassin Shankhasur and slept on Sheshnag in Kshir Sagar, tired of his hard work. And the gods also took a nap. Hence it is known as Harishyani, Devashyani or Devpodhi Ekadashi.
