A wonderful miracle of divine power performed by an Arab man to the French authorities!

- Invisible World-Devesh Mehta

- He consulted inside and then Captain Labreifa said to the young monk- 'You said you can do anything. So you have to do it now. '

- That young Arab seeker said without even thinking for a moment - I agree. I have already told you that I will do whatever you say

Ma can get any achievement with the new tool. Sadhana manifests tremendous morale and self-confidence in the seeker and makes impossible tasks possible. This may seem contrary to the general law of nature, but it is not. Saint Augustine is a famous Christian thinker, philosopher, preacher, Latin Father of the Church and a prolific writer. Miracles are not contrary to nature but only contrary to nature but only contrary to what we know about nature. Miracles are not contrary to nature but are contrary to what we know about nature. "We know the general laws of the material gross world but do not know the specific laws of the invisible microcosm. Such an event is produced!

One such incident, which took place in 1914, can be considered as one of the best examples of sadhana-siddhi. At that time, the French army had established its dominance over the Algerian region of Africa. The people of the army were torturing the people and torturing them physically and mentally. This year, French military officials received a tip from an Arab youth seeker. Not only that, but he was also amazed at his accomplishments and had faith in the divine power. He also freed the Algerians from the tyranny of the French army.

Upon learning that the young Arab monk had various divine powers, the French district commissioner approached the young Arab monk while he was practicing in the jungle with his army. A twenty-year-old Arab young man was sitting in his hut doing sadhana. "We have heard of your miracles, but we do not believe in them," said the French commissioner and army captain.

It will be nothing but manipulation or illusion. We also have magicians playing such games there. Let's see what happens. We want to see your so-called divine power before our eyes. You have to prove it right now. If you fail, I will be pierced by the bullets of our soldiers. The young Arab seeker smiled and said, 'Show me what you want to see. Do what you are told to do. My condition against this is that my divine power is true to you. If you are convinced, you should leave quietly and not give any trouble to the people here. "

The French commissioner and the army captain, Labrefan, looked at each other. After some deliberation, Captain Labreifa said to the young monk, "You said you could do anything. So you have to do it now. ' He showed the monk a river flowing from his hut. The river was overflowing with water. "We're going to tell you that we're going to have to do all three of these things right now," he told Captain Labrefa. If you succeed in this, we will leave this region and go back to France, accepting your condition.

Not a single Algerian person has been tortured for as long as we have been here. Gujari, the first thing you have to do is to show the water of this rushing river. The second task is to make the water disappear from the middle part of this river, which is rich in water, and to dry the land. Just showing up won't work. The third task is to light a fire on the dry ground and make food on it and feed both of us and our entire army.

That young Arab seeker said without even thinking for a moment - I agree. I have already told you that I will do whatever you say. I have done this sadhana by studying the rare texts of yoga in India. My guru has helped me to move forward in this. No task is impossible for a Siddhayogi.

I am doing these three things right now in front of you. It seemed to the French district commissioner and Captain Labrefan that such a strange and impossible task could not be done. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly.

Then the accomplished young Arab took them all to the bank of the river. He closed his eyes and meditated and started chanting. Then he opened his eyes and held his hand against the rushing water of the flooded river. At the same time, the stream stopped flowing. Then he picked up a small stone lying on the shore.

Holding it in his hand, he began to utter some sacred words again. Moments later he threw the stone into the middle of the river. In the process, the river split in two. The ground between the two parts dried up. The Siddha man lit a fire on the dry land without water like a rectangular field. Invisibly there came cooking utensils and stuff.

He also made plenty of cooking. He fed the district commissioner of France, Captain Labrefan of the army, and the whole army. Not only that, he also requested them to take a lot of food with them so that they would not later think that this was an experiment of optical illusion or collective hypnotism. After showing this experiment of divine achievement, the river started flowing between the two banks with the waves of Ghodapur as before. French officials and the army ate the food given by the accomplished man on his way back.

So he too was convinced that the miracle was not something he had seen in a state of illusion or hypnosis. The French authorities were so impressed by the divine power of the young Algerian monk in Africa that they stopped oppressing the people.
