Khi Sakoli is an innocent and playful creature that is often seen. Its jumps, wavy tail, standing on two legs and eating with the other two legs are amazing. But his voice is rarely heard. It may come as a surprise to know that the squirrel that barks like a dog found in Canada, South Africa and Mexico is also called Pretty Dog.
Pretty Dog is similar to our squirrel in appearance, shape, temperament, has no black stripes on its body and is slightly larger. The tail of a pretty dog is one and a half feet long.
This beautiful and popular animal lives in the ground. He is a master at building a tidy house by digging a deep hole in the ground. Deep and large rates have separate sections for feeding, sleeping, and cubs. There is also a separate space for toilets. Pretty Dogs live in groups and live by eating plants.
Pretty Dogs are also seen running and bouncing in the garden all day. It can run at a speed of 3 kilometers. Pretty Dog's barking sound like a dog is his specialty. Thus, he makes 3 different sounds, but when he is scared, he barks and gathers his friends.
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