- Today is yesterday-Bhagirath Brahmbhatt
KV Bhagwati Kumar Sharma sent me and said - 'Jal Varsyu ne thayo hari no sakshatkar' Here jaldhara is synonymous with God. What is it like in the rain? With the earth? With the wind? Where can you get revelation with water droplets then !! What happens when it rains? Where does it come from? There is a word from the sky to the sky - there is a word quality. Where did the water come from? From the word, from the air - from the air, from the touch and from the touch, water-juice rains down ... the earth germinates when it merges with the smell of the name of the earth ... the whole ecosystem is rejuvenated. Earth's creatures grow. The eye sees the rain ... the nose smells the rain mixing with the earth, the ear hears the song of the rain, it can be touched by the palm of the hand, it can be tasted by the tongue ... the earth conceives because of it. How to travel in a subtle way? That is why the poet says that rain is not just water, it is the offering of God, the grace of Kirtar.
Who doesn't wait for rain? Birds, plants, forests, animals, mountains, rivers, seas, earth, are always waiting. How would the earth, which has been called Trahimam by the scorching heat of the sun, experience the first rain? How high is the level of happiness in the minds of all the waiting creatures? If people close the windows and doors and go to the house and enjoy the rain, they will not feel anything. If you want to taste the rain with your eyes, skin, nose and tongue in an open yard, you can be introduced to its happiness.
We don't know how the sky bends in the first rain and how the trees enjoy the raindrops at a modest price or how the river, the lake or the ocean is engulfed by the rain. Instead, we rejoice in our own selfishness. After the raindrops fall on the tree, the droplets stored in the leaves scatter the tree and the rain is felt from the tree.
There is a love raining from the sky to the earth that makes you want to close your eyes to the sun too .. The sun can't even see the invincible form of that lovely, erotic lila ... Happiness happens? Have we ever thought about that? Where does man keep track of how many experiences he has had with the forest - the forest, the river, the lake, the birds, the animals, the plants? It is lost in Potika's account that the unparalleled happiness of nature cannot touch her senses ... The one who surrenders with deep affection does not have to be corroded by age or time ... Let us understand the nature of rain and get some of this and realize Hari.
Dust, peacocks, deer, animals, trees, rivers, seas all come together and say 'let's talk with the rain' and we humans run away from it! Don't understand why
Does the wind blow the stream of rain or does it dance the same when it sees the wind? When the ant is coming down on the head of Mankoda, what complaint is the insect going to register? Why don't we feel the thrill of the water droplets falling on the valley?
As the soil becomes youthful in the rain, such a smell emanates from his body - such an area is formed that the glory of that smell is permeated ... How can we enjoy it behind closed doors? Mayur mhenke che - mokle gale e geet gay che - e bandh barne kyaanthi sambhalaya? How do we understand that? A firecracker that is supposed to be empty cannot remain empty, when will we have such harmony and goodwill? The bird's nest enjoys the rain and we have decided to divorce the roofed house with the rain - whose fault is it? How comfortably the animals catch the rain! What kind of welcome does the mountain-river give to rain as a close relative? What kind of vibrations of happiness occur in the heart of a farmer and in the heart of the earth - how do we know? Where do we experience the earth's thirst, what kind of devotion?
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