Lord Krishna: The guide of Karmakshetra and Kurukshetra

- Asceticism like Shiva in the heart and a festival of life like Lord Krishna in the external world is the only true philosophy

- Horizon-Bhaven Kutchi

- The new incarnation of Lord Vishnu can be in subtle form as well as as a technology

This is a unique confluence of celebrations of Lord Shiva on the Monday of Shravan month and Lord Krishna's birthday with Janmashtami festival. Both offer the path of salvation. One with asceticism and the other with a journey of celebration and celebration of life. Lord Shiva Bhola and Lord Krishna from the heart and mind, even the simple ones, if someone manipulates in the world of business, exploits others, inflicts pain, it does not take long to eradicate the vile elements from Sham, Dam, Danda, Bheda. Shivaji suffers till the third eye is opened but after that he creates catastrophe, destruction and devastation.

Lord Krishna does not give asuras for a long time like Lord Shiva. Shivaji takes pity on his hard ascetic and gives him blessings till the demon becomes immortal. When this demon roars and roars on the earth, Lord Krishna, in the blessing of immortality, rushes to find a perfect trap or escape and saves the earth and the heavens.

Thus comparing different gods or goddesses is called our ignorance and indiscretion. The ultimate goal of all gods and incarnations is to protect the heavens and the earth. For those who want to attain knowledge and salvation, the secrets of such God's life and enlightenment are to be found. The name is to be remembered.

Shaivism or Krishnaism or new sects and sects are the same ignorance.

The reason why gods are compared in a positive way is not that Shiva is superior, Krishna is superior, then Mataji's devotion is the best, Hanuman is supreme. Faith in every family, caste, clan is also inherited from Bapdada. After all, they all preach the same teaching that 'see God in all', help each other, help the needy. Do deeds with righteousness and sincerity. Live a contented life. Discretion over work, anger, infatuation, greed. Have faith and courage. I stand by your side. '

Whose faith will be the main teaching of the way of life after all.

Even though for centuries pundits, literates and critics have compared God, their intention is not to come to a superior conclusion but to know the mystery of God incarnation, Mataji's form, nature, philosophy and green on the basis of such comparative study.

In the post-Lord Rama era, human beings have become more cunning, lazy and vile, so an incarnation with the package of Lord Krishna is necessary to bring down the deceitful elements of such a shaped world. Now, in the 21st century, the standard of living has plummeted. To create their balance, the incarnation will be of a different form than Lord Krishna.

Now the next incarnation is not only visible to us but can also be in the form of a microscopic body or a machine.

Remember that the sole purpose of Lord Krishna, who will assume a new incarnation, is to create balance by calling for an end to evil, and the deity of this annihilation is Lord Shiva. The balance and the speed of creation and karma that will bring the universe back into rhythm for a better world will be possible with Brahma and Vishnu (Lord Krishnavatar) and they will feel that when the burden of sin has increased, Lord Shiva Shakti will enter them. Now think, where did the difference between Shiva and Krishna come from?

Every head on earth has a separate brain or skull. It is natural for the community in which they live to be influenced by the worship of the gods and goddesses of their ancestors. Each province and its Puranas. There is shruti and smriti. It is also instinctive that God makes their sculptors the same as the outward appearance of the people. Thus the idols varied. Where there was a fear of enemy attack, there were gods and stories of heroism. In a province where heavy rains and droughts have been a challenge, there has been a similar price in God's prayers. Where there was a history of poverty and hunger, there has been the glory of food donation. The temples that were looted are covered with gold and the present generation is satisfied with 'Look how we have rehabilitated you now.'

Those who gave importance to the worship of Saraswati could not become rich but came forward as elite, developed, cultured. Lord Shiva was the father of music, drama and art, but he did not need money and metal offerings for his devotion and temples. That is why Lord Shiva became omnipresent. The saying 'As many pebbles as there are Shankar' is well known. Milk, if not milk then water and if not flower then billing also runs. But where is our only Raj like Lord Shiva? It is unthinkable to meditate on a ghostly bodice in a cemetery.

Therefore, a philosophy prevailed that we should cultivate an understanding that strengthens the spirit of detachment and asceticism like Lord Shiva from within as much as possible, but also celebrate with knowledge in the external world. All the scriptures and preachers insist on enjoying life as a festival after all. The enjoyment of nature, art, music, literature, dance, the pleasures and pleasures of the senses in a discreet manner should be the same pace of life. This is probably why Lord Krishna has received international acclaim.

Lord Krishna shows the highway to victory in Karmakshetra and Kurukshetra.

Lord Krishna's name is also Mohan, which means you fall in love with him. He has the talent to cast a spell on you. Thus there are about 108 names of Lord Krishna in which Gopal, Govind, Devkinandan, Mohan, Shyam, Ghanshyam, Hari, Girdhari, Bankebihari are the main ones. He had eight main wives hence also known as 'Ashtabharya'. These include Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Nagnajiti, Kalindi, Mitravindha, Bhadra and Lakshmana.

In addition, he released 19,100 women imprisoned in the demon Narkasur. They could live with self-respect in the society so Lord Krishna declared her as his wife and provided an example of social fearlessness and justice. He did not have any relationship with these women.

After the battle of Mahabharata, when Lord Krishna went to mourn the death of 100 sons and reassure Matushri Gandhari of Kauravas, Gandhari became angry and cursed that Tara and Tara Yadav clan would be destroyed in 5 years. Lord Krishna himself also wanted the Yadavas to live in a place that was inhuman and burdensome to the earth at that time. As soon as Gandhari cursed, Lord Krishna immediately said 'Tathastu'.

Lord Krishna's skin color was black but his aura was blue so in his paintings he is depicted as having a van of this color. Many may not know but in the sea of ​​Prabhas of Somnath, the son of Lord Krishna's Guru Sandipani was buried in it by a demon who created the abode of Mahashankha. Lord Krishna and Balarama plunged into this sea and called for the destruction of the demon but they took this huge conch to Yama. And gave life to the son of Guru Sandipani by chanting mantras. Lord Krishna declared the battle of Mahabharata by blowing the same conch named Panchjanya. The same shout was heard at the end of the war. The funny thing is that Lord Shriram did not know that he was an incarnation of Vishnu while Lord Krishna knew that. That is why he gives Virat Darshan to his mother and Arjun. Rama is the limitless Purushottam and Lord Krishna is the perfect incarnation. Gaulok of Lord Krishna is considered superior to Vaikuntha of Vishnu.

Vithoba of Pandharpur in Maharashtra is Krishna. Saints Eknath, Tukaram and Gyaneshwar took Lord Krishna home. In Gujarat and Rajasthan, Dwarika is by Srinathji-Nath. In Odisha, Krishna is in the form of Jagannath. In Assam, Namghar and Shankardev are worshiped. Is the same as Vishnu in Tamil Nadu. Guruvayur is in Kerala. In North India, Kana's head quarters, Mathura and Vrindavan Janmashtami celebrations culminate.

Listening to the Mahabharata brings strife, but the teachings that Krishna gave to Arjuna are the epitome of the Bhagavad Gita philosophy. Listening, reading and landing of his chapter is considered the best.

In Jainism, the Mahabharata is not a war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, but between Krishna of Dwarika and King Jarasangha of Magadha, in which the Pandavas are with Krishna and the Kauravas are with Jarasangha.

* Mahabharata is found in the form of a scripture 5000 years ago, Harivansh 1500 years ago, Vishnu Purana 1500 years ago and Bhagavad Purana 1000 years ago. The song Govind is a copy of 200 years ago. (Source: Devdutt Patnaik)
