Actor Rajesh Sringarpur, who is currently playing the role of 'Malhar Rao Holkar' in the serial 'Punyashlok Ahilyabai', has already acted in a number of serials like 'Sarathi', 'Anamika' and also in Hindi films. And now he is also showing his acting ability on OTT, the most popular medium to date. Rajesh says there is a wide range of choices for artists on OTT. However he admits that it is like a huge ocean.
However, Rajesh, who is hosting a web show, does not underestimate the value of a small screen. He says that TV And OTT, both of these are great means of entertainment. And any topic here can be nicely presented. Yet there is an abundance of glamor in one medium and a slight lack of it in the other. So here artists have the opportunity to do a variety of work. Artists can establish their identity through these two mediums.
Any actor or actress just wants people to know him, appreciate his art. This identification can be done by any means. 6-year-old Rajesh on TV And OTT, despite liking both, finds the tiny curtain more difficult. He says that TV. Serials last a long time, presenting interesting, strong stories like bringing the viewers to the screen 3 days a year is not a game to eat. It’s very hard to make a place in their heart with them stuck in front of your show. And if you do it successfully, it will be a great achievement.
Rajesh considers growing up a blessing. He says that as you grow older, your experiences and expressions increase. Naturally you can express any gesture better and more easily than before. He further says that many Hollywood actors achieved great success only after they crossed forty. And today, artists over the age of 50 are getting a variety of work on the small screen. It is not uncommon for the story to be changed, especially for them.
Rajesh is currently shooting in a bio-bubble outside Mumbai for his show. He says that professionally the lockdown did not hit him anywhere. But individually everyone is affected in one way or another. He further says that even though this situation is disturbing, everyone should try to find a way out of it.
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