Taliban plot to launch nuclear attack on India with Pakistan's nuclear weapons

- Hotline-Bhalchandra Jani

- Imran Khan and General Bajwa are mere puppets of the Taliban. Their decisions no longer make sense. All of Pakistan has fallen into the hands of the Taliban.

Two important developments have taken place at the international level prematurely, the first is the acquittal of Abdul Qadir Khan, the father of the Islamic atomic bomb and the detainee, by the Islamabad High Court, and the second is the Taliban's announcement that Will attack India to protect. Analyzing both these incidents, it becomes clear that the Taliban's grip on the Pakistani army and government is getting stronger. '

Until yesterday, Pakistan's spy agency ISI and the Taliban came together to control the Pakistani army, but now it is clear that they have taken control of the Pakistani government as well. Now the Pakistani government has to do what the Taliban want. Imran Khan and General Bajwa are mere puppets of the Taliban. Their decisions no longer make sense. All of Pakistan has fallen into the hands of the Taliban.

Until now, the US and Israel have been targeted by the Taliban, but now their priorities have changed. They want to deal with India first. He believes there is a military alliance between the United States and Israel so they can only attack Israel to some extent. It is doubtful how much the Muslim nations around him will support him, but according to his new equation, India is alone. It has no military agreement with the United States. His nuclear deal with India is also incomplete. Moreover, by attacking India, China will suffer more. Not only that, if war breaks out, China will stand by Pakistan.

Even so, the Taliban is now slowly taking an aggressive stance against the Pakistani rulers.

Today, the situation is such that even in Karachi, Lahore or the capital Islamabad, Taliban groups carry out terrorist attacks and kill people. Nowhere in the country does a man feel safe like this. Today, the common man of Pakistan is in a state of suffocation even while breathing. If the Taliban can infiltrate and sabotage my military bases, what about the security of the public's home?

In recent years, the Taliban have targeted many places in Pakistan, including government buildings, schools, bridges, markets and theaters. From the police training college near Lahore to the Pak naval base in Karachi, the Taliban have come under attack.

There is a base called Masroor near Karachi, not far from where the Taliban infiltrated the Pakistan Navy's Mehran airbase. Pakistan is said to have some of its nuclear weapons at the site. Can't the headstrong Taliban, who can occupy a key Pakistani naval airport for twelve to fifteen hours, infiltrate a nuclear power plant and seize a few nuclear weapons?

Under normal circumstances most nuclear weapons are kept in de-matched condition. De-matched condition means that the bomb's explosives and its switch or trigger are different. Only a knowledgeable person can combine the two. Also, each bomb has a specific code. Nuclear weapons cannot be used if the code is not locked. Because of this, it is unlikely that the entire nuclear bomb will fall into anyone's hands.

No country keeps its nuclear weapons in one place. In addition, the location of these weapons is changed from time to time. However, the security of Pakistan's bases is the responsibility of a separate department called SPD. SPD stands for Strategic Plan Division.

The department, which has a staff of tens of thousands of security personnel, is thus a part of the Pakistan Army. But the selection process of its commandos is different and stricter than that of a regular Army soldier. The youngsters who want to join this department are scrutinized and the background of their families is also checked. All tests are done this way again every two years.

There are five layers of security where Pakistan keeps its nuclear weapons. Acquiring nuclear weapons by crossing so many barracks is like chewing iron chana. However, according to some Pakistani experts, the US has received limited permission from Pakistan to de-activate its nuclear arsenal to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. This is known in technical language as a permissive action link.

In such a situation, the Pak Taliban could steal some of the explosive material used to make atomic bombs and make dirty bombs out of it. Such substances are used to spread fear rather than to kill. Don't be surprised if the Taliban detonate such a dirty bomb with a few security guards and scientists on their stomachs.

According to a US report, the terrorists have now acquired 'nuclear weapons'. Their nefarious intention is to attack India, Israel and America with nuclear weapons. They are preparing to carry out this dangerous experiment at any time in the next two years. His name is to strike in the nine cities with the largest Jewish population in America. Many countries today, including India and the United States, are worried that the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Toiba, Taliban HuJI and its allies around the world could use the nuclear weapons they have acquired at any time in the next two years. That is why other countries, including India and the United States, have started trying to find and destroy nuclear weapons in the hands of such looters. Although no one has yet been able to find out where the terrorists' nuclear weapons are hidden, the United States in particular has sought the cooperation of countries around the world. This is because the risk is increasing as it turns out that only a few nuclear experts are collaborating with al-Qaeda.

According to one source, al-Qaeda is planning to use biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear weapons in the United States to kill 3 million Americans, including 3 million children. He considers America to be the enemy of the Muslims and Arabs of the world and the 'Great Satan' and has therefore undertaken the 'American Hiroshima' project to take revenge by targeting nine American cities with a large Jewish population. At the same time, they can carry out nuclear attacks in other countries, including India, Europe and Israel, which have good relations with the United States. Hence all such countries have also been alerted.

According to a source, Al-Qaeda and its allied terrorist organizations, with the help of Russian special forces 'Spetznaz', have acquired some of the nuclear weapons buried in the United States during the Cold War. Scientists from Russia and Pakistan are believed to be protecting it. In addition, hundreds of sleepers have been smuggled across the US-Mexico border into the United States to carry out nuclear weapons and projects by the Mexican mafia gang 'Khaj-17 Street Gang'.

In addition to the Russian mafia, al-Qaeda and its affiliates have acquired equipment for nuclear detonation from the Chechen mafia, the Ukrainian mafia, as well as the black market. It is believed that the leader of the Chechen mafia, Zokhar Dudayev, offered to sell his nuclear weapons to the United States. However it also made Chechnya a condition of recognition of independence. This condition is immediate

The nuclear material was eventually sold to al-Qaeda by the Chechen mafia after it was rejected by US President Bill Clinton's administration. The intelligence passed to Hussein provided information on US intelligence. N. The probe is also believed to have been carried out by Hans Blix, former director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Al-Qaeda and its affiliates are believed to have acquired about 50 nuclear weapons, including suitcase nukes, nuclear mines and artillery cells.

It has also acquired some quantities of uranium and plutonium from other countries, including Uzbekistan, and developed laboratories to assemble nuclear weapons. Such laboratories are believed to have been set up by the Taliban and al-Qaeda in Myanmar, the Balkans, Sudan, Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Algeria, Indonesia, Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

Former Chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commissioner Dr. Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood and Pakistan's A. Why. Chief Technician of Khan Facility Dr. Chaudhry Abdul Majeed and about 50 nuclear scientists and technicians from his research laboratory are believed to be advising on the maintenance, modification of nuclear weapons and the process of assembling and arranging new nuclear weapons. It turns out that the Taliban controls the sale and purchase of heroin in Afghanistan, earning a lot of money and using it to make nuclear weapons.

Now that the whole of Afghanistan has been captured, all its wealth, full power is in the hands of the Taliban commanders. They also have a wide variety of weapons, military vehicles, ammunition and helicopters left behind by the US military. In this situation, the Taliban will now need a boost in the Indian subcontinent. The sooner the Indian government becomes, the sooner it will strengthen the walls of defense.
