The black-faced Corona has robbed the children of their joy

Currently the younger generation, especially students are experiencing severe stress. This tension is so deep that I fear it will cause widespread mental problems. I am seriously worried about the future. The situation created by the Corona epidemic is deteriorating. Even young children in kindergarten today are forced to study online. An ophthalmologist told me that no meaningful result can be obtained from online study, instead it will spoil the eyes of children and make them cling to the screen.

The obsession with the screen will be so intense that their world will be limited to mobile and computer. In fact, at this age they are moving away from the activities they are supposed to engage in. I recently had a discussion with psychologists at home and abroad about the side effects on children. One psychologist said that children could not meet face to face, could not shake hands with each other. Apparently touch has its own language, it has a message of love and affection, it has a lesson of sincerity, it is a joy to meet and mingle, which makes children happy. Naturally, all these feelings disappear when there is no such touch.

Online education is being provided. But children are deprived of the joy of meeting each other. Psychologists say that if this situation continues, sadness will enter children and it will increase going forward. One parent told the psychiatrist that her child had become so self-centered during Koro's time that she did not show any interest in meeting other children. Now computers and mobiles at home have become his friends. He avoids meeting other children.

Listening to what this psychologist said reminded me of the story of a child in South Korea who became so lonely that he stopped seeing children his age. He then had to be treated so that he would return to normal. That is to say, the level of stress in children has increased to such an extent that their mental and physical development has been adversely affected.

In Koro's time, on the one hand, they do not get regular schooling and on the other hand, the stress of exams is bothering them. Parents wanted their children to take the exam, but the government had already promoted eighth standard and tenth and eleventh standard students. But even before that, the education department had put a lot of pressure on these children. Tenth and twelfth standard students are yet to be examined.

In Maharashtra alone, about 20 lakh students are appearing for Class X and XII examinations. What is the rationale behind putting so many children under stress? This approach of the education department is not appropriate. Why so much confusion? This only creates stress in children.

Our entire education system puts children under stress. According to a report by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, students in the age group of 11 to 18 years are suffering from severe stress, which affects their mental health. I remember that in the 19th century, the famous scientist Dr. A committee was formed under the chairmanship of Yashpal to make suggestions for relieving the children from the heavy burden of schoolbags, but the situation has not changed.

Yes, the Delhi government has taken strong initiatives in recent years. 'Happy Classes' is running in Delhi.

Competition for higher marks has been created in the society and hence children feel anxious. Often they are under so much stress that they find it easy to commit suicide. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, about 50,000 students committed suicide between 2011 and 2012 due to low marks and fear of exam results. Fifty percent of these incidents were at the school level.

I would like to draw your attention to other statistics. According to a report by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, 4.5 per cent of children in rural areas are found to have mental health problems, compared to 12.5 per cent in urban areas. We all have to understand that just getting more marks is not the purpose of life. In addition, our education system needs to be shaped in such a way that our children do not become victims of stress.
