We are the inventors of success.

Every living being is a fan of success with birth. A small child often falls and eventually gets up. His success is due to the fact that when his courage and morale are strong, he walks smoothly and his joy does not last. There is a goal of success behind every activity.

After going to school, the child will know one by one, then two, three, four and five. There is a sign of success behind this activity and action. The egg-born chick tries to walk as soon as it enters the world's air atmosphere. It's all over. The idea of ​​flying with wings eventually succeeds in flying.

Even a newborn calf or puppy tries to take action. This is its success. The spider often fails to build a web, but its efforts continue. Eventually he succeeds. Tigers, lions, cats teach their cubs to hunt.

Nature has given us an invisible latent power through which we can achieve success instinctively. We can finally reach the pinnacle of success. We need an excellent teacher or true guide to bring out the inner strengths in us. If you find such a guiding guru, then success is sure to come.

Years ago our sages were achieving something through penance. His penance, adoration and sadhana had a goal of attaining God, attaining salvation or spiritual attainment. Meaningfulness, ability and success were certain in his life. He was a fan of spiritual happiness and peace.

He preferred spiritual pleasures to material pleasures of the world. In order to keep the people happy by increasing the area of ​​his kingdom, the king fights with another king and gets another kingdom to make his people happy. Believe it or not.

- Bhagubhai Bhimda
