What is biodiesel? What is it made of?
Petrol and diesel are the main fuels for vehicles. However there is a slight difference between the two engines. Diesel is also made from crude oil. The diesel-powered engine was invented by a scientist named Rudolf Diesel. The purpose of diesel was to make an engine powered by vegetable oil. He built an engine that ran on peanut oil. Initially the engine was powered by peanut oil but Diesel started using diesel in the engine to find a way to get diesel from crude. Diesel is high in impurities. But relatively cheaper than petrol. When petrol and diesel burn, polluting gases are produced and harm the environment. That is why scientists are looking for less polluting fuels in vehicles instead of petrol and diesel.
Vegetable oil used in place of diesel is called biodiesel. Bio refers to an organism. Plant organisms are less polluting when their oil burns. Getting it with a small amount of diesel leads to less pollution. Biodiesel is made from oils of sunflower, soybean, cottonseed etc. Biodiesel contains more diesel. The amount of vegetable oil is only 15 to 20 percent. But it is considered a good option to reduce pollution.
The world's third largest giant animal, the hippopotamus
The hippopotamus is the third largest animal after elephants and rhinos. These three giant animals are vegetarians and live by eating plants. The gigantic and chubby body and short legs are the hallmarks of the hippo. The hippo's feet have four toes that are also like toes. The weight of his body is distributed due to his four toes. And can get balanced. The hippopotamus is usually 10 to 12 feet long and five feet high. It stays in the water to escape the heat. When the whole body is in the water, its nostrils and eyes are out of the water.
- The hippo weighs about 3 tons.
- Hippopotamus is an aggressive and belligerent animal. He sneezes during hippo fights. And sighs loudly. The hip's jaw can be very wide.
- Despite having a heavy body, it can easily climb on slopes or high banks of reservoirs.
- The name Hippopotamus is derived from the Greek word hippo. It means horse. That is why it is also called water horse. Hippo cubs learn to swim as soon as they are born.
Different shapes and uses of magnets
The main property of a magnet is to attract iron objects. By placing it in such a way that it rotates independently, one end of it is facing south and the other is facing north. Magnets are widely used in electronic equipment. Different shaped magnets are used for different purposes.
Bar magnets: Long bar shaped bar magnets have low capacity. These magnets are used in compasses for direction. It is also useful to keep two surfaces fastened in equipment such as freezer doors.
Horse shoe magnet: This horseshoe shaped magnet is like a semicircular strip. Its two ends are in the same direction. These magnets are powerful. It is used to lift iron objects or heavy iron objects from the garbage.
Coil magnet: This magnet of coil or annular is called helical coil or electro magnet. It is not permanent but is activated when it receives an electric current. These magnets are used in CD players, computer hard disks, automatic doors, etc.
Learn more about falling meteors
In addition to celestial bodies such as planets, asteroids, comets, small rocks called meteors also revolve in the solar system. These small rocks cannot be called asteroids or planets. It is not a specific orbit or movement in space. It can collide with any planet or celestial body at any time. Such meteorites sometimes fall to Earth as well. When it enters the Earth's atmosphere, it burns due to friction with the air and falls to the Earth. It is also called falling stars. There are three types of meteors. Rocky meteors, rocky iron meteors and iron meteors. Wherever a meteorite falls on the earth, a pit falls.
Meteorites also contain a variety of metals. Meteorite stones found in many places in the world are sold at very high prices. Is. The 13th is the Zagami meteorite found in Nigeria, the Dar Al Gani meteorite found in Libya, and the Gibion meteorite found in the Kalahari Desert in Africa. There are more meteorites in the world than diamonds.
Joints and twitches in our fingers
Pulling a toe or pressing on a joint after getting tired from a lot of work makes a joke sound. And lightness is felt. Many people try this remedy to relieve fatigue. The fingers of the hand have three small bones, also called fences. These bones are connected by a hip joint. We do many things by hand. Because of these joints we are able to hold a lot of things in addition to bending fists. These joints feel the most wear and tear. It contains an oily substance to protect these joints. And there is also air around it. The air in the joints fluctuates. Pulling a finger or pushing it releases the air, which sounds like a joke. And the joints are relaxed.
How is the blood in the lungs purified?
Blood circulates in the human body and transmits energy to various organs as well as absorbs some impurities. Unclean blood travels through the body and enters the lungs. The human chest has two sac-like organs called the lungs. It is connected to the trachea by the nose. The main function of the lungs is to purify the blood. It’s like knowing how this works. The air we breathe through the nose goes to the lungs. The trachea is divided into several branches in the lungs. Eventually a very fine tube is formed. Tubes that carry impure blood to the lungs also become thinner by dividing. Thus the blood vessels and airways form a web. Spherical cells are located at the ends of blood vessels. These cells, like grape clusters, carry oxygen from the airways into the bloodstream. Simultaneously the carbon dioxide in the blood pushes into the airways. The lungs contain millions of cells that are invisible to the naked eye. The lungs keep the body's blood clean by constantly working.
Alexandra the world's largest butterfly
You may have seen colorful butterflies flying over flowers in the garden. Most butterflies are small enough to be caught in our pinch. But don't dare catch the Alexandra butterfly in the forest of Yamua New Guian. The full name of this butterfly is Queen Alexandra Birdwing Butterfly. Its wingspan is 18 inches wide. Alexandua is green, brown and lavender in color and is beautiful.
Dinosaur-era fish: seagulls
Dinosaurs existed on Earth millions of years ago and even became extinct. Many of the animals of that time also became extinct or evolved into small animals and birds, but the fish called Silakanth found in the Indian Ocean is still found from the time of the dinosaurs. Scientists believe that the fish became extinct 30 million years ago, but on the 18th, a five-foot-long brown scales and round-eyed seagulls were found off the coast of South Africa. By studying it, scientists said it was from the Crospateriji period. The fish was also nicknamed the Fossil Fish because only its fossils have been seen so far. Scientists believe that Silakantha evolved from a fish and evolved into a four-legged animal that walks on land. The spinal cord of a seagull fish is made of soft bones. It has a skull on its head and sharp teeth. It is carnivorous. It has four wings and is used as a foot for walking on the sea floor. Silakanth lives at a depth of 200 meters in the sea. Mostly more in the area of volcanic rocks. These fish have snores. His round brown eyes can see even in the dark.
Scientists of the world
Inventor of celluloid plastics: John Weasley Hyatt
Plastics are an important contributor to industry in the world. In addition to everyday use, plastics are widely used in the manufacture of equipment used in industries. Plastic has replaced wood and metal. Items ranging from furniture to toys are made from a variety of plastics. Celluloid plastics are hard and durable. John Weasley Hyatt discovered that it is used to make furniture, sports equipment and many other household items. Hyatt invented about 200 ball bearings, water filters, Hyatt filters, and more.
Jodran Weasley was born on November 9, 1918 in Starkey, New York. He was not a Zazu student. At the age of 18, he joined a toy company in Illinois. The main work in this company was to make chess boards and pawns. These things were made of ivory. Hyatt invented cellulose with the idea of making a cheaper and harder material instead of ivory.
By researching soft plastics invented by Alexander Perkins of England, he discovered hard celluloids that melt with heat and harden after giving a proper mold. Celluloid plastic made it easy to make sports balls as well as chess pieces.
In the year 18 AD, he named his product celluloid which is still prevalent today.
After the discovery of celluloid he set up a company for its production. From celluloid came combs, musical and sports equipment, and all things made of ivory.
Hyatt was awarded the Perkin Medal in 1917 for his discovery. He died on May 10, 180 AD.
The simplest but wonderful gas hydrogen
The solar system is composed of a mixture of hydrogen and helium gas. Both gases interact with each other and transmit tremendous energy. Hydrogen can be found on Earth in compound form. It cannot stay close to the surface at normal temperatures as it is extremely light. Hydrogen is naturally the lightest and simplest substance. Hydrogen also plays an important role in the body of animals. Petroleum products contain compounds of hydrogen. Scientists have discovered various uses for generating hydrogen gas. Hydrogen will also be able to run vehicles in the future.
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