Not only time leap, generation leap is coming in the long running popular show 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kahlata Hai'. And now Harshad Chopra will play the lead role. Sources said that since the rumors of Mohsin Khan and Shivangi Joshi leaving the show have been circulating, people have been wondering who will play the lead role in it now. But now it is learned that Harshad Chopra has been taken for the lead role. However, this has not been officially confirmed yet. Sources further said that Pranali Thakur had recently said that he has also been approached for the lead role. It may be mentioned here that when Heena Khan and Karan Mehra left the show a few years back, Mohsin and Shivangi were taken as the main pair by taking the generation leap. And now that they are leaving the serial, it is being said that Harshad Chopra and Pranali Thakur have once again taken the generation leap.
Zeeshan Khan - Rehna Pandit in deep love
Zeeshan Khan and Rehna Pandit, the actors of the popular serial 'Kumkum Bhagya', are in love with each other. Zeeshan made the announcement on social media after keeping quiet about the matter for some time. "When we were shooting in Goa in May this year, we realized that we are more than just good friends," the actor said. So we started spending more time together. Once while we were watching a movie I suddenly told Rehna that I love you. I was very sorry when she got up and left my house. I felt like I had lost a good friend too. But the next morning Rehna came to my house and clung to me and said I love you too. The actor further said that it is true that there is an age gap between us. Also, since we are in the same industry, we can better understand each other's work, working hours and problems, so we will not have any problems in the future. Many ask us when we are going to get married. But in my opinion just getting married is not enough. We want to spend our whole life together and see each other move forward.
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