- Future Science-KR Chowdhury
October is the month to announce the Nobel Prize for Science and to celebrate. When the Nobel Prize is announced, the winners of the science world are first announced. Which shows what is the priority of science in human life? The Nobel Prize for Biology / Medicine, Chemistry and Physics is awarded every year. Everyone involved in research has a dream that their research will reach the level of the Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize is a symbol of international fame, fame and prosperity for scientists. As soon as the Nobel Prize is awarded, the scientist comes into the limelight. Suddenly he becomes a celebrity globally. Then his life does not remain personal. People ranging from journalists to ghost writers try to reach out from their research to their sex life. Sometimes the life or thoughts of a Nobel laureate become the center of controversy for both the Nobel laureate and the recipient. The plus point of this is that controversy gives the winner more publicity. Let's take a brief look at the Nobel Prize winning scientists in the field of science in 2021.
The cosmic connection of global warming
The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded jointly to three scientists. Who have worked to lay the groundwork for a standardized model of the world's changing climate. This research will make it easier to predict global warming. Not only that, it will also be possible to model and predict climate and weather changes occurring in other planets in the solar system. The Nobel Prize is divided into two parts.
The first half is divided between Sukuro Manabe and Klaus Haselman, two scientists working on physical modeling of the Earth's climate, measuring variability and making reliable predictions of global warming. While the other half goes from the atom to the surface of the planets, Giorgio Percy is given the task of discovering the interaction and fluctuations of physical systems.
In the 1960's, he led the development of physical models of the Earth's climate. Klaus Hasselmann has created a model that combines weather and climate. Although climate and weather-based climate change is chaotic and chaotic, the climate models he has developed are considered reliable. He proved that the rising temperature in the atmosphere is directly related to the amount of carbon dioxide produced by human emissions. Giorgio Percy has discovered a certain type of pattern hidden in a messy complex material.
Their mathematical models make it possible to understand and describe materials and phenomena that are very different and apparently completely random in complex physical systems. Their findings and research will be useful not only in physics but also in other different fields, such as mathematics, biology, neuroscience and machine learning.
Love, hugs and intimacy: a biological phenomenon
This year's Nobel laureates in the medical world include the Sichuan-based vaccine discovered by scientists to control the corona virus, which has killed millions of people around the world, and the associated scientific team. But the judges have surprised the medical world by awarding the Nobel Prize to a very important discovery. Our ancient literature sits down to evaluate the human body from two perspectives. A physical body which is known as a gross body in terms of spirituality. The mystery of which scientists try to solve with the help of biology. The second body is known as the subtle body. It is made up of human energy.
The relationship between the electrical energy flowing in the human body and the sensations that accumulate in the physical body has been discovered by modern scientists. When a person touches, hugs or loves another person, a special kind of sensation is produced in the outer skin of the human body. How do the characteristics of touch, temperature, pressure and surface in the human body finally reach the human brain by converting it into electrical energy? Its connection has been discovered by two American scientists.
For which he has been awarded the Nobel Prize in the Medical World. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to American scientists David Julius and Ardem Patapautian. Research on body sensations was started by Nobel laureate scientists in the 19th century. Scientists say that when the human body touches another person or population, a special type of receptor under the skin becomes active. Receptors cause humans to experience impulses such as love, affection, and intimacy. David Julius invented sensors associated with temperature. While Patapautian has detected a receptor associated with touch. Due to their research, the cure for the pain in the human body can be found quickly.
Asymmetric organocatalysis: will preserve the environment
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded to two scientists for developing an 'intelligent tool' to make new atoms. This is the name of the scientists. ‘Benjamin List and David Macmillan’. The new weapon of chemistry he discovered is known as 'asymmetric organocatalysis'. Which will be used to make new pharmaceutical compounds as well as for research into solar cells. Chemists can create new molecules by combining small chemical building blocks, but controlling the process by which invisible substances form molecules in the desired way is a difficult task. Benjamin List and David Macmilla have devised a new and efficient way to build atoms called 'organocatalysis'. Asymmetric organocatalysis - the use of small organic molecules as a catalyst in a chemical process.
This method is used to streamline the production of existing pharmaceuticals. Examples of this include peroxetine, which is used to treat mental discomfort and depression. While the antiviral drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu), which is used to treat respiratory infections. In the manufacture of drugs and chemicals, the use of catalysts containing organic molecules can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere by industries.
Scientists know that the chemical process that takes place between two or more chemicals depends directly on their temperature and the pressure on them. To speed up the chemical process, special types of chemicals or substances are added. Which is known as catalyst. This substance does not participate in the chemical process but accelerates the chemical process. This can sometimes lead to chemical reactions between them even at low temperatures and low pressures. The chemical method he invented has been used in the chemical industry for the last two decades.
Award winner: From the pinnacle of fame
American citizens David Julius and Ardem Patapautian have won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Ardempatapautian is a professor at the Scripps Research Center in La Jolla, California. He has previously conducted research at the University of California, San Francisco and the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena. New York-born David Julius, 3, is a professor at the University of California, San Francisco (UCFS), after previously working at Columbia University in New York. The winner of the chemistry, Benjamin List, is a German citizen. List was born in Frankfurt, Germany at age 17. He received his PhD from Goth University Frankfurt, Germany in the 19th century. He is currently the director of the Mel-Plank-Institute for Kohlenforschung, Malheim n der Ruhr in Germany. When David W.C. Macmillan is an American citizen.
Macmillan was born in Bellshill, UK in 19, and received his PhD from the University of California in 19. He is currently a professor at Princeton University. The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Sayukuro Manabe and Klaus Haselman and Giorgio Percy. Born in Rome, Italy at the age of 18, Percy received his PhD in 190 from the University of Sepianza in Rome, Italy. Parisi works at the University of Sepianza in Rome, Italy. He specializes in quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and complex systems.
Hasselman was born in 191 in Hamburg, Germany. He received his PhD from the University of Gટિંગttingen, Germany in the 19th century. Professor Klaus Hasselman works at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany. He is known as an oceanographer and climate modeler. Manabe was born in 181 in Shingu, Japan, and received his PhD in 19 from Tokyo University. Professor Manabe is a senior meteorologist at Princeton University. Who pioneered the use of computers to simulate global climate change and natural climate variations.
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