- Antaryatra-Dr.Sarvesh Q. Vora
- The idea of doing this 'cash', running after this immediate benefit, spreads like a cancer to the individual, family, society.
A long time ago, a news item in the press caused a great deal of controversy. There was talk of importing seeds from abroad so that the crop would be very strong, but the life (sustainability) of the crop would be very short. It is not necessary to discuss the "technical understanding" of this thinking here, there is something to be hinted at.
"Money is everything, form, luster, the current wahwah is everything, the current youth, the current juicy sexuality, the current chatter, the bank balance is everything" is to point to this seed of thought. If you go to some houses in Africa, it will be difficult to find a house without AIDS. The so-called Vedanta-Philosophy-Meditation-Gita-Bhagavat discourses are chewed like a Calcutta leaf, sitting in front of TV sermons in ashrams or at home, leaving behind innumerable brothers and sisters after overeating or overeating. Found in the lower extremities.
The poison of immediate material gain is very dangerous.
The culprit is the seed of thought. Inside is the curve of the lust for wealth-glory-glitter.
Do you know this secret? If Saraswatiputra salivates at the sight of glitter or wealth or popularity, his personality becomes poisonous from within and if Lakshmiputra keeps the price of hidden buying and selling while giving shelter, the relationship also becomes destructive.
If you hate the actors of 'Commercial Film' after choosing a career in 'Art Film', then Bawa's two will be spoiled.
So the question is not of activity, but of instinct. If the specialty of the storytellers, the appreciation of their wonderful ability to present the great spiritual heritage to the masses is at the center, then these storytellers are the same as they were before. So what's the difference? Why do you suddenly feel like sitting in the open? Did the heart change?
No, opposition and praise - the 'Pantuji' tendency to cash in on the popularity and glitter behind both.
The idea of doing this 'cash', of running after this immediate benefit, fills the individual, the family, the society like cancer. Gradually it makes father-son, teacher-disciple, brother-sister, husband-wife, social, literary activity also extremely unreliable.
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