The life-form luminous bio-plasma travels through many parts of the brain through the cerebral cortex!
- Invisible world-Devesh Mehta
- While he was alive, his luminous body was visible and his photo also fell, but after his death, that luminous body faded ...
'Atomic Nimeshna Lakshanshakalanasvapi.
Jagatkalpa Sahastrani Satyaniv Vibhantyalam.
Tesvapyannatastathaivat: per atomic particle.
Bhrantireva manantaho iyamityavabhasate .. '
'Anavanavasankhyami ten santi jaganti rave.
Tesantanvyavaharo dhansankhyanu k iv ksham: .. '
Q. Thousands of worlds are clearly visible in even the smallest part of a tiny fragment of every atom. The same visual universe exists within each of those molecules. It may seem strange and impossible, but it is true. Who knows the activities of the atoms in the sky?
- Yogavashisht Maharamayan
Modern science follows holographic theory. Physicists and physiologists all say that the information of all the remaining particles in each particle of the universe is stored like a hologram. Just as the smallest fragment of a holographic image retains all the information of the whole picture within itself, so does the whole universe. Just as it happens in the atoms of the physical world, it also happens in our brain and body. A psychiatrist who has worked at Georgetown University, Stanford University and Redford University in the United States. Carl H. Pribram has done wonderful, unprecedented research in the field of neurology. It states that holograms are also formed in our brain.
The empty space at the ends of our brain's neurons is called the nerve synapse, where interference patterns are electrically sensitive and stored as a permanent electric charge. The knowledge of electrical sensory experiences, perceptions and various action-skills, skills that take place in these joints between the marrow tissues is also stored here in the form of holograms.
Thus any part of the brain like a hologram transmits its knowledge to all other parts and absorbs all the rest of the knowledge itself. Thus all his affairs remain intact and connected with all. Just because all the components of the whole brain are connected doesn't mean it's over. Our brain is connected to our world and there are innumerable worlds connected to it one after another. In his book, The Languages of the Brain, he says, "There are universes inside our heads - universes super imposed upon universes."
Another such American neuroscientist was John C. In his book Human Biocomputer, Lilly demonstrates that our consciousness exists in cognitive multi-dimensional projection spaces. Now that the scientists are saying this, we have to believe that our sages could travel to other worlds from the inner space of their existence in the meditative state of yoga. In this verse of Chhandogya Upanishad also we can see the holographic model of the Universe - यच्चोस्येहास्ति चच्चनास्ति सर्वं तस्मिन समाहितम् ।। Dehrup is the innermost space in this Brahmapur, all that is in the universe and all that is not is contained in it. '
Earlier science was talking about the four states of matter. Solid (solid), liquid, gas (gas) and plasma. But Soviet physicist Valentin Grischenko discovered the fifth stage of Bio Plasma. Organic plasma has ions, independent electrons and independent protons that exist apart from its nucleus. It is an intense administrator and can store, transform, and transmit energy to other organisms. It accumulates in the human brain or spinal cord. It can go very fast in a very distant place. Used in psychic processes such as telepathy, remote viewing, astral travel. What we know there as subtle body, gender body, causal body, shadow body etc. is known by modern different names like ara, bioplas, astral body or etheric body. This has to do with our life force. The nucleus accumbens is the center of bioplasmic activity. Scientific devices have now shown that the transmission of energy in all living things is through a kind of invisible body or a light bulb surrounding the physical, gross body.
A doctor from London, Dr. Walter John Kinler, in his book The Human Atmosphere, has presented a number of researches on this subject. He discovered during the examination of patients at St. James's Hospital that the colors of the halo around the body of a healthy human being are dense and bright. In severe cases, the color of their halo is dimmer and dimmer, while the light circle around the dead body and its colors disappear. Experiments have been carried out by the Bilsa Cloud Chamber of America on the existence of the soul, the process of exhalation, etc.
The air was removed from the empty, transparent cylinder and a chemical solution was applied to its wall. This created an indoor atmosphere like a dimly lit fog. It is also equipped with special powerful cameras for taking photographs. Live rats and frogs were then placed in the chamber and electrocuted. It was then observed that the exact figure of the rat or frog after death was floating in the chemical fog.
His luminous body was visible while he was alive and his photo was also taken but after his death that luminous body faded and finally stopped appearing. Thus his subtle body made of invisible light left the gross body and disappeared. It has reached another state after its prana light has disappeared.
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