The ambitious serial 'Prithvivallabh: Itihas bhi, rahasya bhi', which was wrapped up in 2014, is now likely to turn into a legal battle between actor Ashish Sharma and producer Aniruddha Pathak due to the arrears of remuneration money. Actor Ashish Sharma said that he owes about Rs 50 lakh to producer Aniruddha Pathak. I have tried a lot for this but nothing has worked out so I will now proceed with the legal way to withdraw my money.
For the last two years Aniruddha Pathak has been making false promises to me, he is going to pay me money. I have also written to them about this matter and also sent mails. However, now he has refused to pay the arrears, which has shocked me. Although I tried to argue with him about this, he stopped picking up my phone and avoided answering my text messages. After all my efforts failed, I lodged a complaint of fraud against him at the Oshiwara police station in February this year.
Ashish also said that the producer owes money to other artists and other crew members. ‘He’s a lot of actors and crew from other shows. Members were not even given money. I am surprised to know that there are many complaints against them for non-payment and bounce of checks. He actually issued me a check and then he requested me not to deposit the check. He claimed that he had suffered a great loss. How can this be possible when you have not paid anyone? '
However, when producer Aniruddha Pathak was contacted after this, he said that he did not want to give any money to Ashish. Aniruddha also said, "I can't afford to give a single penny to Ashish.
It has been paid in full. The money he is asking for now is extra money. - There is more money than the fixed amount. 'Prithvivallabh' was a 20-episode serial, but it was wrapped up in 3 episodes. This has hurt me a lot. How can they ask me for money when there is no debt? '
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